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Everyday foods

10 Foods That Will NEVER Expire

By Leighton GreenPublished 11 months ago 7 min read

let's say I'm trapped in my basement for

the next three years what foods should I

have with me that won't go bad for the

next three weeks anyway I actually

researched it and I'm telling you the

answer is not a Twinkie.

foods that pretty much

never expire first up this should not

come as much of a surprise as salt is a

natural preservative that has been used

for many many centuries it doesn't

really expire because technically it's

just a rock a mineral that can absorb

moisture which we just so happen to eat

a lot of because it makes anything

originally bland it tastes well it

tastes delicious but beyond is

invaluable use in preserving and

seasoning all sorts of foods salt also

has medicinal in other applications

because of its ability to kill bacteria

through drying them out on a cellular

level this is also the very reason for

its permanence however it be warned not

all types of salta you store in your

cupboard can last forever

for example iodized salt in particular

has a shelf life of only around five

years those that have a more infinite

staying power are table salt sea salt

and culture salt next up sugar just like

salt sugar also has an inhospitable

environment that really does not support

bacterial growth which is why it has an

infinite shelf life regardless of

whether it is white or brown but this

also has a lot to do with how you store

sugar I mean if you put it inside a

tightly closed container and place it in

a very dry area of your kitchen it is

unlikely that moisture will harden war

spoil your sugar supply however some say

that you know solidified brown sugar

still can be

any meets in if you use a food processor

or heated up with a microwave next a lot

of people know about this honey this

golden nectar of the Gods yes that's

exactly what honey is it's heralded by

many as the only food that can truly

last forever and we have the flowers and

the bees to thank for his creation the

magical mixture of the nectar from the

flowers and the enzymes of the bees is

highly acidic and also very low in

moisture conditions that don't allow for

bacterial growth

so if sealed properly honey could

literally last for thousands of years in

fact an ancient supply of honey was

found in Georgia and it is more than

5,000 years old making it the oldest

honey in the world ever found even when

it has crystallized were exchanged in

color it can't be restored to its

original form through gently reheating

next maple syrup just like honey pure

maple syrup has an infinite shelf life

because of its strong resistance to

microbial growth and that includes most

once opened the best way to store maple

syrup and prolong its life is by pouring

it into a glass container and putting it

inside a freezer water cooler doing so

will prevent spoilage and will also

ensure that the syrup is always of the

best quality however there are cases

where molding on the surface occurs but

according to maple producers all you

need to do is remove the portions with

the mold and slightly boil the syrup

before refrigerating it again number 5

white vinegar not only does white

vinegar have a lot of household uses

they also have a very very very long

shelf life you can probably buy gallons

of the stuff and never have to worry

about any of it going back because of

its low pH vinegar pretty much preserves

itself and does not need to be

refrigerated and though some types of

vinegar may alter in color or form

sediments they can still generally be

consumed and used for other purposes

today we use vinegar not only as a

condiment but also as a cleaning agent a

practice that dates all the way back to

the time of the ancient Babylonians

several millennia ago next hard liquor

people who enjoy drinking the hard stuff

know that they don't have to finish an

entire bottle as soon as they open it

and he can store this stuff anywhere and

pretty much never have to worry about it

spoiling because opened and liquor

containers can't lose a few ounces after

a while due to evaporation and may even

shed off some of his distinctive aroma

as the years go by however they will

always be drinkable and

purrs and tastes partly nose well and

even if you're not storing it for

consumption they're still really useful

in medical emergencies as they are also

an effective disinfectant next up heart

attack this cracker is made from really

nothing more than water in plain flour

while this may seem like a very bland

combination heart attack is regarded as

a dietary staple and supplements all

over the world not because of its taste

but because of its durability if stored

and prepared and stored properly this

dense cracker can last for decades even

up to a century making it the perfect

survival food during emergency

situations heart attack actually saved

many lives particularly during the

American Civil War as it was one of the

standard food items consumed by soldiers

during that time several Civil War

museums even keep preserved hard text on

display to this day and those things are

still pretty much edible number eight a

white rice this mine comes as a surprise

but raw white or polished rice if stored

inside an airtight container in stashed

in a cool dry place can stay fresh and

keep its nutritional value for decades

even if its container is covered with a

thick layer of dirt or dust the rice

stored inside can still be cooked and

gets in so long as you manage to prevent

bugs and insects from getting access to

it however the same cannot be said for

brown rice its shelf life is much

shorter between 6 months to a year due

to the fact that it has a much higher

oil content and polish to rice I'm now

in coarse starch we don't necessarily

eat corn starch for its flavor but we do

use it as a thickening agent to make

various syrups juice and sauces outside

of it being a very nutrient rich food

item this gluten free powder is also

effective in removing odours treating

burrs and rashes and cleaning hair

that's why everybody should have those

in their cupboard and you really don't

need to worry about tossing it away and

replacing your stash frequently as long

as you keep it in an airtight container

in a cool location if you do that your

corn starch will pretty much last well

before ever

finally pemmican this really might not

sound familiar it's you most of you but

this is the goal to food for many

survivalists for several reasons and we

have the Native American tribes to thank

for inventing it's made up of dried meat

ground into powder along with berries

and rendered fat it's a rich source of

protein that can be stored for a long

time which is why it has earned the

reputation of being the ultimate

survival food

if prepared correctly and stored

properly can they can kill lasts for

several decades some even swear that

this nutritious and well preserved food

is part of Canadian cuisine and was too

prefer to Maine food of fur traders as

well as Arctic and Antarctic explorers

who traveled out great distances and

really had no time war opportunity to

replenish their food supplies this tried

food could be eaten raw were cooked and

it was so valuable to so many people

that it was once the center of an almost

decade-long conflict in North America

known as the pemmican war so there you

go guys next time you're shopping for

the apocalypse put these things on your

list also one thing that I left off that

should be pretty obvious is water

I mean without water you won't last a

few day so all your food that's gonna go

to waste and water never expires.

fact or fiction

About the Creator

Leighton Green

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