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Dorothy and the Glass Key

A book review

By Mark GrahamPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

'Dorothy and the Glass Key' is a young adult novel written by Christopher J. Finn in 2019 by Austin Macauley Publishers, LLC. This is a story of wander and wondering. This is the story of a girl named Dorothy who has many adventures through time and space. Dorothy is a child from a sad home where the mother was overworked and her father was an alcoholic. The story begins when Dorothy is in a vegetative state as an adult and a resident of a rehabilation center due to her adventures through various times and places and being with various kinds of people through time, but are linked through various keys that must match to hopefully make it home again somehow.

Christopher J. Finn is the author of this psychological story of love and trust. 'Dorothy and the Glass Key' is also a story that is lead by the 'Spintwister' who seems to lead Dorothy and others to find a way to live through their various pains. The characters learn to fight their battles in different ways. In all the characters journeys with the keys Dorothy and Charlie land or lead them to fields surrounded by forests with distinct perimeters and it was a beautiful place and this is when and where they had to make various decisions on living. All in all 'Dorothy and the Glass Key' is a story of making decisions that will help or hurt them.

This is a novel that can be used by social workers and counselors who would like a way to illustrate good and bad decision making skills in the lives of Dorothy and her mother and father, Charles, Ragesha, Max and Isais and even the Spintwister. These characters learn communication as well as decision-making skills.

This is a novel that could be used to illustrate how to look at various rehabilitation areas from the different techniques that can and could be used to help family and friends. At times we all live in alternate areas whether physical or mental. 'Dorothy and the Glass Key' shows how alternate beliefs in thinking can alter how one lives their life and lives. This is also a novel about learning how to accept one's life as well as trying to help others who may be suffering along with you, but afraid to say anything. We all have various friends who help us and in turn we try to help them, but as in the book it doesn't always have a happy ending. It really depends on how you look at the various situations in your life and make comparisons and contrasts to the various situations from the novel. A question to ask 'Are you trying to 'escape' from your problems. 'Dorothy and the Glass Key' is a novel that will allow the reader to find a key or keys to help them in their lives one way or another. We need to keep our memories so we can move on with our own lives.

This is a book that both adults and young adults will enjoy and may give them, maybe some ideas if they may be interested in mental health in some way. It is a good book that shows how to use coping skills to accept what may be occurring in their various situations for all the characters and if reading between the lines how one can make changes in their own living situations. Dorothy showed this when she and the others were in the field she was deciding on the various choices that were being offered to her at the time to make the decision(s) she needed to make to live.

(Just a note these book reviews of children and young adult novels will offer a way to use them in a school classroom or even a therapy room.)

book reviews

About the Creator

Mark Graham

I am a person who really likes to read and write and to share what I learned with all my education. My page will mainly be book reviews and critiques of old and new books that I have read and will read. There will also be other bits, too.

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