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A Bad Day Can Just Be a Bad Day

Dear ADHDers,

By Taucha PostPublished 2 years ago 3 min read

If you had a bad day I want to remind you that bad days are just a snapshot in time.

I know we LOVE to overthink things, so sometimes when we are having a particularly ADHD-like day, we can get scared. We may start to believe that:

-We put the wrong strategies in place

-Our meds stopped working

-We've been too easy on ourselves and we need to smarten up

-We haven't made any real progress

-We did all this work and research for nothing

-Everyone hates us

-We're falling back into our old patterns

-Therapy is going nowhere

-We need to try harder

-We have to start over

-We're hopeless

-We need to change tactics

-We're a lost cause just like we suspected all along

Here's the cool thing about circumstances though: We get to decide what they mean.

On a day when I'm late for an appointment, lose my keys, forget to shower, and eat carrot sticks for dinner, I can make it mean that I'm a failure who will never get her shit together OR I can make it mean that my ADHD brain momentarily got the better of me at this blip in time. Speaking from experience—let me tell you—the second meaning is waaaaaaaaaaaay nicer.

ADHDer, sometimes a bad day is just a bad day, and it doesn't need to mean anything more than that.

In Case You Need The Reminder...

Just in case you're overdue, I want to remind you that:

-You can be late for an appointment AND be loveable

-You can forget someone's birthday AND be loveable

-You can speak loudly AND be loveable

-You can lose your keys AND be loveable

-You can gesticulate empathically AND be loveable

-You can forget about the veggies in your fridge until they're mush AND be loveable

-You can dominate a conversation AND be loveable

-You can have a pile of clothes that oscillates between your bed and your floor AND be loveable

-You can get disproportionately angry at a small setback AND be loveable

-You can forget your train of thought mid-sentence AND be loveable

-You can leave your clean laundry in the hamper for two weeks AND be loveable

-You can eat chips and salsa for dinner AND be loveable

-You can stay up until 4:00am on a worknight AND be loveable

-You can put off doing laundry until you're wearing your last pair of underwear AND be loveable

-You can lose your pen as soon as you put it down AND be loveable

-You can accidentally space out during your partner's answer to your question AND be loveable

-You can leave the milk out on the counter overnight AND be loveable

-You can fidget with your clothes AND be loveable

-You can forget to reply to that email AND be loveable

-You can impulsively buy a juicer you don't need AND be loveable

-You can interrupt conversations AND be loveable

-You can literally flip out over spilled milk AND be loveable

-You can procrastinate that 3 minute job for six months AND be loveable

ADHDer, just to sum it up: You may not be "perfect", but you sure as shit are loveable.

Take care of yourself!



PS. My membership takes care of ADHDers' bodies, minds, hearts, and souls! Seriously. SERIOUSLY!

It includes:

-Yoga classes for all levels with time for questions after each class

-Mindfulness practices and pose tutorials in a HUGE recorded library

-Body doubles so you can work along side other ADHDers to help you do the hard/boring things

-Powerful live guided journaling practices

-Special events to help you set intentions and follow-through

-ADHD-friendly supports to prevent any shame surrounding consistency

-And membership to a non-judgmental, supportive, loving, and hilarious ADHD Slack community (Seriously, I love them SO MUCH!!!)

Follow me at and check out my online studio at


About the Creator

Taucha Post

ADHDer here! I'm a certified yoga teacher and ADHD coach-in-training. I empower ADHDers to take care of themselves through movement, breath, and the occasional f-bomb. Follow me at and check out my online studio at

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Nice work

Very well written. Keep up the good work!

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