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The Quest for Immortality Through Science

Prolonging Human Life

By amila dimanthaPublished 8 months ago 3 min read
The Quest for Immortality Through Science
Photo by Leonardo Yip on Unsplash


Renowned astrophysicist and Casual singer-songwriter Brian May once pondered who would want to live forever. Surprisingly, many people throughout history have shared this desire, as evident in ancient literature like the Epic of Gilgamesh. The pursuit of immortality is not a novel concept, and humanity has always sought ways to defy the inevitability of death. While we have made considerable progress in extending human life, the dream of true immortality remains elusive.

Reevaluating Average Lifespan

Average life expectancy is the commonly cited metric for measuring human lifespan, but it can be misleading. In ancient Rome, the average life expectancy at birth was a mere 25 to 30 years. However, this figure does not provide the full picture. A significant portion of individuals would survive past their fifth birthday, significantly impacting this average. Approximately 2.5 percent of ancient Romans would reach the remarkable age of 80 or older. The high child mortality rate skewed the average life expectancy in antiquity, and improvements in this area have contributed to the overall increase in average life expectancy over time.

Advancements in Longevity

In recent times, we have made significant progress in increasing the percentage of people who live into their 80s and beyond. Innovations in diet, medicine, and healthcare have resulted in a growing population of senior citizens. However, little progress has been made in extending the lifespans of the oldest individuals among us.

The Pursuit of Immortality

The question of how long humans can potentially live is a subject of heated debate among scientists. Some argue for an absolute limit, approximating 125 to 150 years, while others posit that the first person to reach a thousand years might have already been born.

Deciphering the Aging Process

Aging is a complex process that renders the body more vulnerable to age-related diseases, including heart disease, cancer, and stroke. With age, the body's ability to repair damage diminishes, and various theories, such as the free radical theory and the role of NAD, have emerged to explain this phenomenon.

Genetics and Longevity

Genetics does play a role in determining an individual's susceptibility to fatal conditions. However, natural selection is unlikely to have a significant impact on extending longevity. Harmful genes that lead to early mortality would have been eliminated from the population in the distant past. Genetics alone is unlikely to hold the key to prolonging human lifespan.

Enhancing Quality of Life in Old Age

While some scientists focus on extending human lifespan, others emphasize the importance of improving the quality of life in old age. Diet, exercise, and medical advancements can enable individuals to remain healthy and active well into their senior years.

Exploring Longevity Escape Velocity

The concept of "Longevity Escape Velocity" suggests that advancements in extending lifespan could accelerate, potentially leading to a significant increase in human longevity. As each breakthrough extends life expectancy, the rate of progress might continue to accelerate, offering the potential for longer and healthier lives.

The Role of Genetic Engineering

Recent research, including experiments with mice, hints at the possibility of reversing the aging process through genetic engineering and cellular rejuvenation. While these studies are in their early stages, they hold promise for extending human lifespan.


Though immortality remains a distant dream, the pursuit of longer and healthier lives continues. We have made substantial progress in extending human lifespan, yet many questions about the biology of aging remain unanswered. Advances in genetic engineering and cellular rejuvenation offer hope for a future where humans can enjoy longer, healthier lives. Whether true immortality is attainable remains uncertain, but the journey to extend human lifespan is an intriguing and ongoing exploration of the boundaries of science and medicine.

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About the Creator

amila dimantha

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