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The Honest Child's Gift

A Tale of Redemption, Prosperity, and Compassion

By kolitha lokubalasuriyaPublished 12 months ago 4 min read

Once upon a time, in a small village nestled amidst a dense forest, lived a poor couple with their young son. The village was known for its natural beauty, but it was also isolated from the bustling city life. The couple worked hard to make ends meet, struggling to provide for their family's basic needs. Their only solace was their 12-year-old son, who brought joy to their lives despite their difficult circumstances.

The young boy had a routine every day. He would walk along a narrow path that cut through the heart of the forest to reach his school. It was a long journey, but he never complained. On his tenth birthday, his parents gifted him a precious white iron necklace, a simple token of their love.

One fateful day, as the boy crossed a rickety bridge over a gushing river, disaster struck. The necklace, so dear to his heart, slipped from his shoulders and fell into the swirling waters below. Overwhelmed with grief, the boy sat under a massive tree near the riverbank and began to cry inconsolably.

Unknown to the boy, that ancient tree was the dwelling place of a divine spirit, an incarnation of the forest god. Witnessing the boy's anguish, the god appeared before him, standing tall amidst the branches. The divine presence spoke with a gentle voice, offering solace to the distraught child.

"Little one, why do you cry?" the god asked kindly.

"My necklace, sir," the boy sniffled, wiping his tears. "It fell into the river, and I fear it is lost forever."

The god smiled, displaying a necklace crafted from gold and adorned with precious gems. "Is this your necklace?" the god inquired.

The boy shook his head, tears still streaming down his face. "No, sir. That is not mine."

Undeterred, the forest god revealed a silver necklace, shimmering in the dappled sunlight. "Could this be your necklace?" the god asked, hope glimmering in its eyes.

Once again, the boy shook his head. "No, sir. That is not mine either."

The divine entity nodded, understanding the child's honesty and integrity. Finally, the god presented the boy with the white iron necklace he had lost. The boy's eyes widened with astonishment as he recognized his cherished possession. "Yes, sir! That is my necklace!" he exclaimed, his tears now transformed into tears of joy.

The forest god, pleased with the boy's unwavering honesty, smiled warmly. "You have proven yourself to be a good and honest child," the god said. "Go and fetch your parents. I wish to meet them."

Excitement coursed through the boy as he hurriedly ran back to his humble home, eager to share the incredible encounter with his parents. They listened with rapt attention, their hearts filled with both pride and curiosity. Together, they made their way back to the tree where the forest god patiently awaited their arrival.

The divine presence addressed the parents with a voice that resonated with warmth and compassion. "Your child has been raised with virtues of honesty and integrity," the god said. "To reward his noble character and to uplift your family from poverty, I present you with a gift."

In a display of divine magic, the forest god conjured three sacks filled with treasures. One was filled with shining gold coins, another with gleaming silver, and the third with lustrous pearls. The parents gasped in awe, their eyes widening with disbelief.

"These treasures are yours," the god proclaimed. "Use them wisely and let them be a means for your family to escape poverty."

Overwhelmed with gratitude, the parents expressed their heartfelt thanks to the benevolent deity. They knew that this was a turning point in their lives, a chance to provide a better future for their beloved son.

True to the forest god's intentions, the family sold the precious treasures and used the newfound wealth to improve their lives. They bought a small piece of land, built a cozy home, and started a small business. Their days of scarcity were replaced by comfort and abundance.

However, the family never forgot the lessons they had learned. Their newfound wealth did not corrupt them; instead, it inspired them to be compassionate and generous towards others in need. They used their resources to help their neighbors, supporting local initiatives and providing assistance to those less fortunate.

As time passed, the village transformed. Inspired by the family's generosity, other villagers followed suit, creating a harmonious community where everyone thrived together.

And so, the tale of the poor family's encounter with the forest god spread far and wide, becoming a legend that echoed through generations. The village itself became a symbol of hope, reminding people of the power of honesty, integrity, and the profound impact one act of kindness can have on an entire community.

And so, the legacy of the poor family's honest and virtuous child lived on, serving as a reminder that the greatest treasures in life are not material possessions but the qualities of the heart.

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    KLWritten by kolitha lokubalasuriya

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