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some of the most interesting characters in Norse


By MetakatazukaPublished about a year ago 8 min read

probably the most fascinating characters with regards to Norse folklore are not strong Divine beings yet rather the animals that continually seem to challenge the divine beings and scare men Norse folklore including the narratives of Odin Thor and Loki was the premise of the religion of the Viking fighters who ravaged Europe from the eighth to the eleventh hundreds of years the religion went into decline around quite a while back when Christianity spread across northern Europe however Norse folklore with its dazzling stories unnerving characters and beasts never truly lost its traction in Scandinavian idea and has significantly impacted contemporary writing TV and gaming in this video we will find out about the animals and beasts from Norse folklore that threatened Europe for a really long time buy in assuming you need more satisfied like this things [Music] 1. drogger the drauger are the undead from Norse folklore albeit a few stories portray them as blood-drinking animals they are more similar to zombies than vampires the drauger have godlike strength and can increment in size voluntarily yet they can't shake the undeniable odor of Rot and have the Terrible Look of a cadaver the drauger animal frequently resides in their graves to guard the fortune they were covered with however they have likewise been known to enter networks to unleash ruin on the residing frequently torturing the people who violated them in life they can kill by pulverizing somebody with their Prevalent strength eating their meat eating them entire in their developed state or kill by implication by making an individual crazy these animals were supposed to have the option to enter the fantasies of the residing to torture them continuously abandoning a gift to show the casualty that the experience was genuine drauger can be killed and experience a subsequent passing in the event that their bodies deteriorate excessively or on the other hand assuming that they are copied dissected or obliterated detestable ravenous or disagreeable individuals were accepted to be bound to become drauger after death two midgets they are little deformed animals that started as worms from the carcass of Emir the first of the Norse Monsters and supplied with Reason by the lords of Asgard they resided underground in a spot called svartalheim which was believed to be a labyrinth of mines and manufactures they are said to have made the best weapons and gems including mjolnir Thor's sledge gungnir Odin Lance and Thor's better half's lengthy Brilliant Hair in certain legends bantam animals are portrayed going to Stone whenever presented to daylight for instance a diminutive person named Alvis is said to have guaranteed the hand of Thor's Girl in marriage yet was fooled into talking until sunrise when he was struck by daylight and went to stone 3. mythical people there are two distinct sorts of mythical people in Norse folklore the dokle far or dim mythical person animals and the Leo salfar light mythical person animals Dull Mythical people are accepted to be equivalent to dwarves and stay underground and are practically dark to the eye the light mythical beings then again were portrayed as more gorgeous to view than the sun the light mythical beings were frequently viewed as similar as the divine forces of the Acer and facade with a facade God freyr being the master of the Elven country of alltheim mythical beings are for the most part depicted as having irresolute associations with people both could cause human sickness and had the ability to recuperate people and mythical people were thought to interbreed to sporadically deliver youngsters that looked human yet had remarkable natural and mystical abilities 4. fenrir was the most popular of many wolf animals referenced in Norse folklore he was the child of the god Loki and the goliath outrage Boda the divine forces of Asgard raised fenrir to keep him from unleashing ruin on the nine universes yet he developed rapidly and brought such an excess of hardship that they chose to place him in Chains the divine beings persuaded fenrir to allow them to chain him by imagining they were playing a game to perceive areas of strength for how was fenrir effortlessly broke all ties ultimately the divine beings requested the dwarves to make a unique chain which was more grounded than any known at this point appeared to be light fenrir was dubious of this chain and requested that one of the Divine beings put his hand to his mouth while being binded as an indication of pure intentions the god tear consented to this despite the fact that he realized he would lose his hand when fenrir understood that he had been deceived he took tears hand in the mean time the divine beings fastened him to a stone and set a sword in his Jaws to keep them open the subsequent sludge framed a frothy waterway called assumption the unfavorable name of the stream assumption is by all accounts a reference to Ragnarok the apocalypse in Norse folklore when fenrir will break his chains and get payback fenrir is likewise supposed to be the dad of Skol and hati other critical wolves who pursued the Sun and Moon separately it is likewise said that when Ragnarok shows up he will at long last catch his objectives to eat up 5. fossa Dismal the fossa Bleak additionally referred to just as the shadowed one is a water soul who plays charming music on the violin normally portrayed as an attractive man half bare or naked the fossa Dreary is a story of heroes and miscreants he plays the violin with Staggering Ability emulating the hints of the woodland the breeze and the water for one fossa Horrid has at times been known to train people to play the violin as well as he does yet provided that they penance a goat assuming that the goat is too thin fossa Terrible will just show how to tune the violin yet an adequately pre-arranged goat will be an illustration until the player's fingers drain so, all in all he will actually want to play all around ok to make the Trees of the timberland dance then again he draws ladies and kids into lakes and streams where they suffocate which is quite cruel yet like in all pieces of Folklore where beneficial things happen demise is much of the time close to 6. holdra the holdra are Watchmen of The Woods Part of a gathering of crude who safeguard a few better places hudra females are constantly portrayed as staggeringly gorgeous and charming yet with the long tail of a cow and a bark covered back holdra can mask themselves as young ladies to stroll in the realm of men the force of His deception is possibly broken in the event that somebody sees his tail they visit networks to draw unmarried young fellows into the woodland where they are kept as slaves darlings or once in a while killed by huldra assuming one of her casualties is delivered or gets away from she will reside perpetually without the impulse to get back to her Detainer 7. German Gander otherwise called the midgard snake the jormungander is one more of Loki and angerboda's kids a snake or mythical beast lives in the ocean that encompasses midgard the apparent universe of people it is said that Odin tossed him into the water so he wouldn't cause problems however this animal developed so huge that he had the option to surround all of midgard and seize his own tail he is portrayed as a foe of Thor in one story Thor was fishing with the goliath jaimeer yet not happy with the whales jaimeer got at his number one fishing spots Thor demands going farther to the ocean where he gets yormungander with his snare he hauls the snake out of the water and they encounter jormungander trickling with Toxin and blood jaimir is so stunned by the scene that he cuts the fishing line before Thor can kill the snake with his mallet and the snake gets back to the Ocean it is likewise said that Thor and jormungander are bound to kill each other during Ragnarok when the snake will ascend from the ocean and toxic substance the sea in sky 8. yatnar the yatnar are the Monsters of Norse folklore and are portrayed as having abilities that rival those of the Divine beings as opposed to alluding to its size the name jatnar implies devourers they are adversaries of the Divine beings and similarly as the Asgardian divine beings address request the yatnar typify confusion anyway a significant number of the Asgardian divine beings are slipped from the yatnar Odin is half yatnar and Thor 3/4 yatnar the Asgardian Divine beings look for not to kill the yatnar but rather to keep them Under control so the Universe stays in Equilibrium the job of equilibrium in the universe is reflected in the Norse creation legend in which the divine beings construct the universe from the cadaver of the killed yatnar emir 9. Kraken the Kraken are sea-going beasts that are said to occupy the banks of Norway and Greenland they are many times portrayed as goliath octopuses or squids and a few stories propose they were huge to such an extent that their bodies could be confused with an island assuming that men were attracted to the island it would sink when they set foot on it killing them and leaving them as nourishment for the Kraken when it Rose to the surface it was accepted to cause enormous Whirlpools that would assist it with going after ships prowling in the Profound Waters the Kraken Rises when upset by ships when the mariners see its sheer size they head towards it trusting it to be the shore just to be cleared under to their Destruction the Kraken might be roused by the presence of the goliath squid which at 18 M long is a genuine beast of the waters luckily anyway people seldom see the genuine article the kraken ate predominantly fish their fertilizer was so thick and smelled so emphatically a fish that it would draw in numerous other fish to the region for the Kraken to gobble up 10. female horse perhaps of the most incredibly fearsome animal in Norse folklore was city chairman this beast could give individuals bad dreams and would sit on them while they dozed it was a typical conviction that chairman was the spirit of a living being that left an individual's body like devils would so they could torment the honest around evening time frequently these were witches whose Spirits appeared as animals however typical individuals especially teens were additionally remembered to become chairman when their Spirits meandered the possibility that the spirit meandered around evening time was a typical peculiarity Odin's Spirit meandered so frequently that he stressed that one day it wouldn't get back to his body it was additionally accepted that when chairman contacted something living individuals cows or trees she would make her hair become Tangled this was presumably used to make sense of the peculiarity of the Clean twist which is a sickness of the hair it was likewise said that it was thus that the branches and foundations of certain trees became enta

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    MetakatazukaWritten by Metakatazuka

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