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NASA Has Just Found The Most Horrible Planet In The Known Universe

Most Horrible But Unique Planet In The Universe

By Abdul Hannan SaifPublished 3 months ago 4 min read

In 2022 employees of Kitt Peak National Observatory Arizona discovered a planet's Darkly different from anything we've ever seen before TOI 3757b is lurking 580 light years away from Earth and its radius is 1.5 times larger than that of our Jupiter scientists classified it as a gas giant simply because any other category seemed even less appropriate its density is so odd that most of all it resembles marshmallows that we like to chew on here on Earth, this Celestial body moves along an elliptical orbit meaning that it periodically drifts far away from the nearest star but then comes very close to it the star in turn constantly showers the planet with bursts of radiation which eventually whips its atmosphere just like we whip egg whites when making meringue and yet it's not the most confusing alien world.

Planet Tress 2B lies 750 light-years away from us however you have very little chance of ever seeing it not because it's so far away but because this planet's so dark that it absorbs light instead of reflecting it the best coal found on Earth can absorb only 95 of light good trust to be swallowed up more than 99 of it at the same time the planet isn't deprived of the attention of stars since Just 4 million kilometers are separating Tres to be from the nearest source of light this distance is 10 times less than that between Mercury and the sun scientists still struggle to determine the cause of such a low reflectivity but they've already found a worthy opponent to challenge this planet.

Meet Gliese 504b, which is located in the constellation of Virgo about 57 light years away from Earth the distance between Gliese 504b and the nearest star is nine times greater than the gap between Jupiter and the sun, it seems that Gliese 504 B is perfect for getting the status of a true dark world but actually, it glows from within this fact totally contradicts all our ideas about giant planets and their features usually celestial bodies of this kind reflect the light emitted by stars and they indeed aren't supposed to produce it themselves astronomers believe that this peculiar property of Gliese 504b may stem from the planet's young age it Formed not so long ago and hasn't cooled off yet just like molten metal on an anvil but if this is really so why do people see this glows so rarely apparently, Gliese 504b holds more secrets than we can imagine and we're yet to unravel them.

HD106906b is a giant exoplanet whose mass is approximately 11 times the mass of Jupiter, it's located 300 light years away from Earth in the Crux constellation having discovered this planet astronomers spent much time puzzling over its orbit the surface of this object reached 1500 degrees Celsius which may be possible only if the planet revolves around some star the problem is that this Celestial body is completely alone with no stars nearby a while later scientists did find a suitable candidate but it was spotted in 96 billion kilometers away from the planet this is 20 times longer than the distance between the Sun and Neptune as for the abnormal temperature it's so high because the when it is almost a baby this space object is 350 times younger than Earth and it simply hasn't had enough time to cool off yet however given the type of orbit it moves along this kid has every chance to turn into a cold Icy world in the future well at least this planet's trajectory is easily predictable unlike gas giant.

Hr5183b which is 100 lightyears away from us, its orbit is so eccentric that the planet goes extremely close to its Star first and then retreats to the backyard of its Stellar system interestingly all the other planets orbiting the same star behave normally if we placed hr5183b in our solar system it would constantly try to Ram into several other planets for Its ranted Behavior scientists nicknamed this object the Whiplash Planet it turns out that even the most ordinary-looking space objects can be bursting with big secrets.

TOI2180b is 380 light years away from our home planet at first glance there's nothing remarkable about it as it looks like Jupiter but has the same size however, it weighs three times as much which is way too heavy for a space object made of gas furthermore the orbital radius of TOI2180b is much larger than that of any gas giant discovered previously despite being so remote from its star the planet somehow maintains a temperature of 80 degrees Celsius this is far colder than the surface of other space Giants with the help of special equipment humans could very well live in that world can there possibly be a true Oasis hidden under dense layers of gas if anything this could explain why it's so heavy.

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Abdul Hannan Saif

Blogger | Writer | Explorer | wish to inspire, inform and help others to see fascinating discoveries and live a fulfilled life!

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  • Queen Minaak3 months ago


  • anha saif3 months ago

    Great information 👏🏻

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