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It's your host here.. GAYbriella.. listen to our top 10 pride month tracks on everydayFM.

By The designer hippy Published 3 years ago 4 min read
Photo by Yoav Hornung on Unsplash

Yo yo... can I get a mic check please? 1 , 2...1, 2... Welcome to pride month for all my fabulous members of the LGBTQ community. It's your host here, GAYbriella and for today's pod cast we have a curated collection of the hottest tracks to get you excited to drop it like it's hot or bump and grind till your hearts content!

Let's begin with the beautiful Aussie unofficial gay icon.. the one and only KYLIE MONOGUE (*crowd cheering) This Aussie pop queen has had us dancing around in gold hot pants since the early 2000's. We won't ever get you out of our head la la la la la la laaaaaa....

Does anything scream gay dance party more then the Vengaboys and their outrageously sexy outfits? From the 'Venga bus' to 'We're going to Ibiza' ..These guys made an impact on the gay nightclub scene... so let's get into it and onto it with one of their best hits... BOOM BOOM ..I WANT YOU IN MY ROOOOOOM...

Next up is one of our favourite latino's..loved by every man, dog, woman & non-binary individual is Ricky Martin (*insert drool emoji). Oh Ricky you're so fine we wish we could blow your mind. But we can't so instead we will live our best lives and buss it down to Livin la vida loca.

Ok Ok all you sexy people.. let's wind the clock back and add a blast from the past...Would this countdown be complete without the original men in uniform... I think not. The Village people deserve to be in this countdown purely from the fact they were sexy and they have inspired countless Halloween costumes. Who was your favourite... mine was the tradie cause I just have a thing for a hard hat (lol). Let's get into it with YMCA

Coming in at number 6 is the one we doesn't age..CHER....Oh Cher. How you gave us SO MUCH STRENGTH to keep living past the heart break of a first love. There's just something about her that we all I right or am I right..

Ok next up we are going to get a caller through to nominate their favourite PRIDE month song.. Give us a ring on 961 696 696.... ok Lets take a call now andddddd its Kellsie...Hello kellsie how are you honey and how are you celebrating pride month?

' Hiiiii Gaybriella..I love love Pride month .. umm I will be hitting the clubs this Saturday because some of the restrictions are lifted here and then on Sunday my Mrs and I are going to pilates '

Wow that's a great balance Kellsie and what song is your vibe for Pride month?

'Well mine and my girlfriends song is Honey by Kehlani because she is sweet like honey and I like my money green HAHA'

haha that's great Kellsie. I also love that song! So happy you picked such a banger to add to our top 10 ! Here it is people..Honey by Kehalni

WOW what a track right... only 4 left for this amazing top 10 countdown and what will they be ?? Let's fine out after this little break ..

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Ok so on a serious note..we know it can be difficult coming out to friends and family. In particular I had a dear friend in high school who was raised in a religious household and it did not go down well with his parents. This friend ended up struggling with mental health as a result of being disowned so to combat this he had a theme song to wake up too that gave him strength and I wanted to dedicate this to him.. “I Will Survive” by Gloria Gaynor. And please remember everyone to reach out if you're ever feeling low or down. There are so many hot lines to confide in if you're dealing with depression. Because you are worthy of being here !!!! Lets get into this famous track.

Only three more left of our fabulous countdown and hasn't it been a mix of old and new. We are just loving it here on everydayFM.. you know we play nothing but the hits ! Our music is set to rock your body and with that we think 'You got the look' by Prince deserves to be in our top 10.

I don't know anyone who didn't love the iconic Prince. He was ahead of his time and labelled a queer and he made such a mark on the music scene with his beats and outrageous outfits. We love and miss you PRINCE

Ok next up is Katy Perry because we had to include this fun song that even straights were singing..She kissed a girl and she liked it...I did too hahahaha Katy is a like a modern mix of Lady GAGA and Madonna.. her music is a little crazy as well right..we like her cause she is fun and her video clips are always wild. Here it is.

ohhhh I feel kinda sad we are down to the last but not the least of our top 10 PRIDE month playlist...yo yo can I get a drum roll pleaseeeee . Now we wanted to finish with something slower and with a lot of meaning. Sam Smith HIM... it had to be our last song with such a powerful message. WE LOVE THIS TRACK. We hope you enjoyed our countdown and I'm off and out until tomorrow at 4pm where you can catch me again on everydayFM.. ya'll know I play nothing but the hitsssss. Take it away Sam.. MIC drop.

Pride Month

About the Creator

The designer hippy

welcome to my world

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