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Understanding the Benefits of Medical Marijuana

How to Get a Medical Marijuana Card

By Henry RicksonPublished about a year ago 4 min read
Understanding the Benefits of Medical Marijuana
Photo by Budding . on Unsplash

Living in Los Angeles, California, gives you the privilege of enjoying its rich culture and quality of life. In addition, the use of marijuana for medicinal purposes is permitted by law. However, before visiting a dispensary, you must undergo the required legal processes. One of the first steps you may consider is to undergo a 420 evaluation from authorities involved. If you qualify, you would be given an authorization card that serves as your permit to obtain medical marijuana products. Here's how to get a medical marijuana card in Los Angeles.

420 Evaluations Los Angeles

420 evaluations in Los Angeles are a quick process to determine the level of your necessity for medical marijuana drugs. The process involves a qualified physician assessing your medical records and your current condition. If you are deemed eligible, the physician will provide you with a recommendation to obtain a medical marijuana card. With your recommendation, you can then apply for a medical marijuana card from the California Department of Public Health Medical Marijuana Program. Once approved, you will receive your medical marijuana card, which will allow you to purchase medical marijuana products legally.

How Medical Marijuana Works in Your Body

Medical marijuana is a cannabis variant utilized for medical purposes. It is composed of more than a hundred varieties of cannabinoids, which have specific effects on your body. Cannabinoids are distinct chemical compounds that have a favorable impact on your memory, appetite, pain, and movement. Medical marijuana plants have been studied to find out how they can be employed in medical industries.

Health Benefits of Medical Marijuana

Medical marijuana can help people get away from the disturbing side effects of therapies, treatments, and diseases itself. Therefore, medical marijuana is just there to help you carry yourself along with your disease. Here are some of the diseases where medical marijuana can effectively function in relieving unbearable side effects:

Alzheimer’s Disease

Cannabinoids, such as THC, slow down the progression of Alzheimer’s disease. A certain cannabinoid component called THC acts as a protective coating for the nerve cells preventing them from deteriorating due to excessive inflammatory stimulations. Medical marijuana is not without its risks, however, and debates regarding its potential risks for Alzheimer’s disease are ongoing.


Cannabinoid components such as THC and CBD are effective in helping your brain regain control over involuntary seizures. Patients who take marijuana treatment have reduced unwanted seizures by fifty-four percent. However, considering this treatment for epilepsy would still require the guidance of your physicians, especially when it comes to dosage.


Medical marijuana does not eliminate cancer cells from your body. Instead, it helps your body relieve the side effects of treatments and cancer itself. Medical marijuana helps reduce nausea and vomiting caused by chemotherapy. Chronic pain can also be eased because of certain components of medical marijuana that target chronic pains from damaged nerve cells. Not all variants of marijuana drugs are effective for cancer-related purposes, and consulting a credible physician is still the best you can do.

Get Your Medical Marijuana Card in Los Angeles

Medical marijuana is indeed a great innovation to help everyone with unusual and unbearable diseases. If you live in Los Angeles, California, and feel that medical marijuana may benefit you, consult a qualified physician for a 420 evaluation. Once you obtain your recommendation, apply for a medical marijuana card from the California Department of Public Health Medical Marijuana Program. With your medical marijuana card, you can legally purchase medical marijuana products.

In addition to the health benefits mentioned above, medical marijuana has also been found to be effective in treating several mental health conditions. Cannabinoids have been shown to help with anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder (GAD), social anxiety disorder (SAD), and post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). Medical marijuana may also be helpful in treating depression, bipolar disorder, and attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).

However, it's important to note that medical marijuana is not a cure-all solution for these conditions. It should always be used in conjunction with other treatments and under the guidance of a medical professional. Additionally, different strains of marijuana may have different effects on individuals, so it's important to work with a physician to find the right strain and dosage for your specific needs.

Remember, if you're considering using medical marijuana to treat a condition, it's important to first obtain your medical marijuana card in Los Angeles through a 420 evaluation from a reputable clinic or doctor.


About the Creator

Henry Rickson

Hi there, my name is Henry Rickson and I am a resident of the picturesque city of Sonoma. I am passionate about everything related to marijuana and have spent years learning about this amazing plant.

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