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Quit Smoking With Laser Therapy


By miraPublished 2 years ago 3 min read
Quit Smoking With Laser Therapy
Photo by GRAS GRÜN on Unsplash

To quit smoking, everyone must find the method that suits them. If you decide to do it alone, over-the-counter nicotine substitutes increase your chances of success. Other tips may also be useful to facilitate weaning

Admitting that you want to quit smoking and committing to the process is the first step on your journey to a healthy, tobacco-free life.

It is worth remembering that more than 30% of people aged 18 to 75 say they smoke tobacco, i.e. more than 10 million French people. A quarter of them smokes an average of 12.5 cigarettes daily. The vast majority say they want to quit smoking. In 2020, 29.9% of daily smokers tried to quit for at least one week in the last 12 months.

Unfortunately, despite their desire not to smoke, many French people have a hard time quitting. Some try more than one smoking cessation method or take years to get there for good. We can certainly blame nicotine, a particularly addictive drug found in tobacco. Due to the effects of nicotine, a person who quits smoking may experience physical withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms such as intense cravings, increased hunger, headaches, feelings of irritability, and anxiety.

So the following should grab your attention if you're a smoker and think it's time to quit. There is indeed smoking cessation therapy that combines the wisdom of traditional Chinese acupuncture with modern laser therapy. You will find out everything there is to know.

Take stock before quitting smoking

Ffirst, ask yourself the right questions: why are you quitting smoking? You want a child, you are pregnant, for your loved ones, for the love of sport, for your health... each smoker has a reason that will affect him more than another. Keeping it in mind will allow you to maintain your motivation, a key element of success, throughout this withdrawal and especially in difficult times.

How does laser smoking cessation therapy work?

Laser smoking cessation treatment counteracts the symptoms of abstinence called withdrawal syndrome. This therapy causes a biochemical reaction in the brain that releases higher levels of endorphins than smoking. Endorphins are natural chemicals in the body that signal the system to reduce stress and increase energy. When you smoke a cigarette, you artificially instruct your brain to release endorphins. Therefore, quitting smoking leads to a rapid drop in endorphin levels. The laser essentially stimulates the nerve endings at the ear level to tell the brain to release endorphins. You feel relaxed and your urge to smoke disappears.

That's what laserOstop, your quit smoking specialist, advertises on its website: drug-free, painless, risk-free, and safe laser therapy to help smokers quit smoking. Patients can stop after just one session. The laser is aimed at points in the ear to relieve withdrawal symptoms. The treatment also targets points believed to suppress appetite to prevent the weight gain that often accompanies smoking cessation.

laserOstop laser centers use low-intensity lasers to target specific ear points related to addiction and stress. Their equipment is unique, patented, and complies with CE and NF standards. And the laser delivers no more heat than a low-wattage light bulb to energy points in your body related to addiction.

In addition, laserOstop practitioners are subject to professional secrecy and work with more than a hundred companies in France and Switzerland for the well-being of employees in tobacco stop treatment. 1st European network with 31 centers in France and Switzerland, they also help the military, national police, and nurses to do their best to overcome nicotine addiction.


If you have decided to quit smoking, laser therapy offers a holistic and safe way to help you start a new smoke-free life. In addition, unlike other traditional smoking cessation methods, this type of laser acupuncture does not require any medication. This way, you avoid any negative side effects and benefit from a fast, effective, and painless therapy.


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