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Felon-Friendly Careers (Job Opportunities): What Kinds of Jobs Can You Get With Felonies

Explore job options for individuals with felonies and find out what kinds of careers are available. Discover how to overcome barriers and find success in the workforce.

By SocioSphere (PressCS)Published 11 months ago 11 min read
Felon-Friendly Careers (Job Opportunities): What Kinds of Jobs Can You Get With Felonies
Photo by Ian Schneider on Unsplash

How many jobs can you get with a felony?

There is no specific number of jobs that you can get with a felony, as it largely depends on factors such as the nature of the offense, your skills and qualifications, and the employer's policies. However, there are various industries and sectors that are more open to hiring individuals with criminal records.

Being a felon doesn't mean the end of your career prospects. There are numerous job opportunities out there that are felon-friendly and can help you build a successful future. In this blog, we will explore some of these careers and the types of jobs you can get with felonies on your record. From mobile app developer to sales representative to substance abuse counselor, we will cover a wide range of options. Whether you have a background in technology, creative arts, or skilled trades, there is something for everyone. So if you're ready to start a new chapter in your professional life and leave your past behind, keep reading to discover the possibilities that await you.

Mobile App Developer

Mobile app development presents a wealth of job opportunities for individuals with criminal histories. Despite prior felonies, individuals can carve a successful career path as mobile app developers. The tech industry, known for its hiring practices, often extends opportunities to felons, recognizing their potential.

The ever-growing demand for mobile app developers ensures a flexible work environment and attractive earning prospects. When seeking employment in this field, felons should highlight their skills and experiences, positioning themselves as capable individuals. Although felonies may pose obstacles, the mobile app development industry values skills and potential, providing second chances to those willing to prove themselves.

Sales Representative for Wholesale Products

Sales representatives for wholesale products can offer a second chance to individuals with felonies who are looking for job opportunities. With flexible work schedules and opportunities for growth, this career path can be a viable option for those with a criminal history. On-the-job training is often provided, which is beneficial for individuals with limited education or experience due to past incarceration. Many companies are willing to hire sales representatives with felonies, as their main focus is on effective communication and interpersonal skills rather than a clean criminal record. The potential for commission-based income in this field can provide financial stability and success for individuals looking to rebuild their lives.

Web Designer or Developer

Web design and development is a felon-friendly career option that offers numerous job opportunities. Many companies are willing to hire individuals with felonies in this field, as skills and experience are more important than a criminal record. Freelancing or starting your own web design business can be a viable option for individuals with felonies, as this allows for greater flexibility and independence. Online platforms and communities exist to support felons in finding web design and development opportunities. Whether working for a company or as a freelancer, individuals with felonies can showcase their talents and abilities in this field and secure a successful career.

Web design and development can provide a fresh start for individuals with felonies, allowing them to utilize their creativity, technical skills, and problem-solving abilities. With the growing importance of the internet in today's society, the demand for skilled web designers and developers is high. This field offers opportunities for growth and advancement, with the potential to earn a lucrative income. By leveraging their skills and continuously improving their knowledge, individuals with felonies can thrive in the web design and development industry and pursue a fulfilling career. It's important for ex-felons looking for jobs to consider web design and development as a viable option, as it offers a second chance and the opportunity to build a successful future.

Film or Video Editor

The field of film or video editing offers felons an opportunity to exhibit their creativity and technical expertise. With many employers in the film industry valuing talent and skill over criminal history, this career path provides a second chance for individuals with felony convictions. Film or video editing allows for involvement in diverse projects, contributing to the creation of captivating visual content. Staying informed about the latest industry trends and continuously expanding one's skill set is crucial for long-term success. By accumulating experience and developing an impressive portfolio, convicted felons can secure employment as video editors in production companies, television networks, and advertising agencies. Additionally, freelancing offers flexibility and the chance to work on a variety of assignments.


When it comes to career options for individuals with felonies, web design and development is a great choice. This field offers plenty of opportunities, with many companies open to hiring individuals with a criminal record. What matters most in this industry are your skills and experience, rather than your past. Whether you choose to work for a company or start your own web design business, there are numerous avenues for success. Additionally, there are online platforms and communities specifically designed to assist felons in finding web design and development opportunities.

Marketing Manager

Pursuing a career as a marketing manager can be a viable option for individuals with felonies. Many companies are willing to hire qualified ex-cons, provided they demonstrate skills and qualifications in marketing. Building a strong resume and portfolio showcasing your marketing experience and achievements can help you stand out from other candidates. Networking and reaching out to contacts in the industry can also increase your chances of finding job opportunities as a marketing manager. Despite the challenges that come with a criminal record, it is possible to secure employment in this growing field.

Computer Network Systems Administrator

A career in computer network systems administration can be a great choice for individuals with felonies on their record. These professionals are responsible for managing and maintaining computer networks within organizations. Despite a criminal history, many companies in this field are willing to give a second chance to those with a conviction. To pursue this career, individuals typically need a certification or degree in computer science or a related field. The job offers opportunities for growth and advancement and is in high demand, especially in industries like healthcare, finance, and government. By gaining experience and qualifications in computer network systems administration, individuals with felonies can secure a good job and turn their lives around.

Mechanical Engineering Technician

Mechanical engineering technicians play a crucial role in the design, development, and testing of mechanical systems and equipment. Despite having a felony on your record, it is possible to pursue a career as a mechanical engineering technician. Many employers in this field are willing to consider candidates with felonies, particularly those who possess relevant skills and experience. Enhancing your chances of securing a job in this field can be achieved by obtaining relevant certifications or completing vocational training programs. Networking and establishing connections with professionals in the industry can also facilitate the discovery of job opportunities as a mechanical engineering technician. It is essential to highlight your qualifications and emphasize your commitment to professional growth and rehabilitation during the job application process.


Despite having a felony on your record, pursuing a career as an electrician can offer good job prospects. With many states and employers now open to hiring individuals with felony convictions, the electrical industry is becoming more felon-friendly. Not only can electricians earn a competitive salary, but they also have opportunities for career growth and advancement. While getting certified as an electrician may require additional steps for felons, it is a viable option. The demand for skilled electricians is projected to increase, providing even more job opportunities for those with criminal records. With a second chance in the electrical industry, individuals with felonies can find stability and success.


Plumbers constitute a trade skill that typically doesn't require a comprehensive background check, which opens up numerous career paths for individuals carrying a felony conviction. Plumbing repairs and installations always remain in high demand, presenting a consistent and stable job market. Many plumbing companies actively seek out individuals with felonies, as long as they possess the necessary skills and qualifications. By garnering experience and obtaining relevant certifications, plumbers can secure not only a competitive salary but also prospects for climbing the career ladder. Moreover, for those individuals keen on embracing entrepreneurship and achieving financial independence, establishing their own plumbing business is a viable option worth considering.

Wind Turbine Technician

A wind turbine technician is an excellent career choice for individuals with felony convictions, offering promising job prospects. As the demand for wind energy continues to grow, there are increasing opportunities in this field. Many wind turbine technician training programs are open to individuals with criminal records, giving them a chance to pursue a fulfilling career. Wind turbine technicians receive competitive wages and have possibilities for advancement in their career. Moreover, by working in this field, they can contribute to the renewable energy sector and play a part in making a positive impact on the environment. It's a great opportunity for those seeking a second chance and a fulfilling career.

Commercial Diver

Commercial diving is a felon-friendly career option that offers good job prospects and high earning potential for individuals with felony convictions. Many commercial diving companies are willing to hire individuals with criminal records, recognizing the value of their experience and skills. This exciting and challenging career involves underwater construction, maintenance, and inspection, making it an excellent choice for those with a background in the field. Commercial divers undergo extensive training and certification programs to ensure their safety and competence in this highly specialized job. With the right qualifications and experience, felons can find employment opportunities in various industries, including oil and gas, construction, maritime, and environmental services. It's a growing field, offering a fair chance for individuals looking to turn their lives around and pursue a successful career.

Oil and Gas Rotary Drill Operator

An oil and gas rotary drill operator is a critical role in the extraction of oil and natural gas from beneath the earth's surface. They are responsible for operating drilling equipment to create holes for resource extraction. Despite having a criminal background, individuals can pursue a career in this field, as the oil and gas industry values skills and experience. With the high demand for oil and gas, there are numerous job opportunities available for felons.

Becoming a drill operator requires meeting specific qualifications and requirements. Specialized training programs in drilling techniques, safety protocols, and equipment operation are often necessary. Gaining practical experience through apprenticeships or on-the-job training is also crucial. Felons who possess the right skills and qualifications can find stable employment in the oil and gas sector, which frequently offers competitive salaries and benefits.

Graphic Designer

Graphic design is a dynamic and creative field that offers numerous job prospects for individuals with criminal backgrounds. Many graphic design companies prioritize skills and talent over a person's felony convictions when considering applicants for employment. In fact, freelancing as a graphic designer can be an excellent option for those with criminal records, as it allows them to work independently and develop their own client base. Building an impressive portfolio that highlights their design skills can help individuals overcome potential concerns employers may have about their criminal records. Additionally, actively networking and establishing connections within the industry can open doors to further job opportunities for graphic designers with prior felony convictions.

HVAC/R Technician

In the field of HVAC/R, there are ample job opportunities for individuals with felonies. Many HVAC/R companies recognize the value of skills and qualifications over a person's criminal record. By enrolling in training programs or apprenticeships, individuals can acquire the necessary skills and certifications to become an HVAC/R technician. With competitive pay and prospects for advancement, this career path offers stability and job security, allowing individuals to build a successful future. Despite past mistakes, HVAC/R presents a fair chance for ex-felons to start over and establish a fruitful career.


Carpentry, a skilled trade, provides job opportunities for individuals with felony convictions. The construction and renovation industries have a high demand for carpenters. Vocational training programs and apprenticeships offer avenues to develop carpentry skills for qualified ex-cons. By gaining experience and pursuing additional training, individuals with felony records can progress to higher-paying positions within the carpentry field. Furthermore, carpentry offers the chance for self-employment and entrepreneurship, allowing individuals to build their own successful enterprises despite past legal challenges.

Oil and Gas Derrick Operator

Oil and gas derrick operators offer job opportunities for individuals with felonies. Assembling, operating, and maintaining drilling equipment in the oil and gas industry is their main responsibility. This job requires physical strength and the ability to work in challenging conditions. While obtaining training and certification may be a requirement for certain positions, many companies are open to hiring individuals with felony convictions. The oil and gas industry provides competitive pay and potential for career growth. It is crucial for individuals with criminal records to research companies that prioritize second chances and maintain a supportive work environment.

Substance Abuse Counselor

Substance abuse counseling is a rewarding career path open to individuals with a criminal record who are looking for job opportunities. These counselors play a crucial role in helping people recover from addiction and make positive changes in their lives. Despite felony convictions, many employers are now willing to hire ex-felons and provide them with a second chance. Substance abuse counseling positions are in high demand, reflecting the growing need for qualified professionals in this field. Obtaining the necessary education and certification is essential for pursuing a career as a substance abuse counselor with a felony conviction. By gaining the appropriate qualifications, individuals with a background check can contribute to society by making a positive impact on individuals struggling with addiction.

Commercial Truck Driver

One of the job opportunities available for individuals with felony convictions is in the field of commercial truck driving. Many trucking companies understand that everyone deserves a second chance and are willing to hire qualified ex-cons. This career path provides stable employment and good pay, making it a viable option for those with a criminal history. Becoming a commercial truck driver may require obtaining a commercial driver's license (CDL), which can be achieved by completing a training program and passing a thorough background check. By gaining experience and demonstrating a commitment to safe driving, individuals with felonies can find success in this high-demand field.

In conclusion, having a felony on your record does not necessarily mean that your career options are limited. There are several felon-friendly job opportunities available across various industries. From mobile app development to substance abuse counseling, there are numerous paths you can pursue to rebuild your life and find meaningful work. It is important to research and explore the requirements and qualifications for each job, as well as any potential restrictions or limitations imposed by your conviction. With dedication, determination, and the right support, you can embark on a new career journey and create a brighter future for yourself.


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