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Writing thousand words

Drawing thousand lines

By Jeannine KauffmannPublished 3 years ago 1 min read
Writing thousand words
Photo by jules a. on Unsplash

Is writing 1000 words similar to drawing 1000 lines.

The same number of one or the other.

My hand moves over the paper.

The pen follows my thoughts.

And draws on the paper more lines.

Uses whatever works best to illustrate the current thought process,

to illustrate what I am dealing with at the time of execution.

1000 somethings are helping me talk, show on paper what I often didn’t know I was trying to work out. What flows from my hand into my pen, while my body often sits peacefully on a chair, stands at a table, at an easel.

And my hand moves.

I watch and see a part of myself in action. And through that action a part of myself acquires a life of its own.

Writing a 1000 words,

1000 lines,

Living through 1000 nights, days, weeks, months, minutes.

The hand that commends my life.

The moving hand from left to right or the other way.

Still not sure.

But my hand does not mind, isn’t bothered.

My shoulder is woken into activity.

I can feel the movement from the shoulder down to my pen.

My muscles, my nerves on alert

Performing obediently their tasks.

My shoulder blade concentrating on the act,

The bone even irritated by so much activity.

And the rest of my body attentive, giving itself over to the action of the active pen.

In front of me on the page, the screen, the canvas.

I see my thoughts being born, conceived, growing, sometimes starting to make sense, and fitting a bigger picture.

Dying, those 1000 words, lines as compost decompose,

In somebody else's mind.

Where after a lot of rest, nourishment, and gestation?

They will then appear on another page written by another pen, coming through another hand.

But still 1000 words, lines, colours

And my pen records them all.

performance poetry

About the Creator

Jeannine Kauffmann

Poetry writer in the early morning. Poetry as a wake up call. Then later I draw lines and colours. I have a page on Instagram my art other than words although it contains words too. Titles are important to finish a piece like a full stop.

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