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Writing Prompts for People who want to Write Something Inspiring 

Inspiring Writing Prompts

By m.shurtPublished 4 years ago 3 min read

As a person who writes all the time, I know how it feels too have a little bit of writers block. Sometimes it feels like you will never find anything worthwhile to write, but that is not true. Your words are valuable and important. Don’t let writers block get in the way of that. When I am faced with writers block my favorite solution is to listen to piano music and write out prompts for myself. Even if I do not start with a perfect poem, it helps to get my brain flowing and then I am ready to write! You can do this too, here are some prompts that will help you write an inspiring piece:

Prompts about Change

1. Write about how this year changed you for the better. Write a piece based off the challenges and hardships you went through to get to this point in time. Make the overall theme about your self growth despite these challenges. 

2. Write about how this year has changed you for the worst. Base it off how you have changed and why it is bad. Then try to create it into a self realization of why you had to struggle and why the hardship was necessary for your life. 

3. Write about recent changes in friendships or relationships. These changes can be negative or positive. Be honest, open, and raw with yourself about how you feel and let the emotions flow to produce a touching piece.

4. Write about the changes in the world and how they are affecting you. Let yourself dream of what you want to be different in the world and then relate it to how you are going to make your present day better.

5. Write about the change of seasons and relate it to something significant that is changing in your life. 

Prompts about Healing

1. Write about the healing process of something you went through or are going through. Maybe you haven’t started, are in the beginning, or have found a healing that is so rejuvenating that your soul can feel it.

2. Write about things you have freed yourself of in order to heal. This can be bad habits, people, negative thoughts, and anything else that has lifted weight off your shoulders. Write about how this decision was freeing and helped you become a happier person. 

3. Write about the pain in healing. Write about how you had to unpack experiences and unwind feelings to find solace in your mind. Write about how hard this was but how rewarding it was.

4. Write about how you had to find peace in what has happened to you in order to heal. Write about how this decision was rejuvenating and empowering.

5. Write about a time you rose above the pain and made a decision that was really hard to get help and do better for yourself. Write about how this decision was the correct decision and how it changed your life.

Prompts about Growth

1. Write about how you have grown despite the challenges and hardship you faced or are facing. Think of these each as stepping stones down the path you are on.

2. Write about how you built strong and healthy relationships and friendships for yourself. Write about how you had to be vulnerable, honest, and open in order to build these and how that was challenging but worthwhile.

3. Write about the accountability you hold to yourself for self care. Write about how holding yourself accountable and taking care of yourself has improved your overall self love.

4. Write about the patience you have with yourself when trying to change a habit. This may have certain challenges and hardships in which you need to hold accountability, self forgiveness, and compassion in alignment.

5. Write about when you wanted to give up but didn’t and how it was the right decision for you in the end. Write about how it made you a better person or benefited your life.

I hope these writing prompts help you to get out of that writers block.

I use these prompts and they work miracles when I am trying to write something meaningful but just can’t put my finger on it. These are all focused on change, healing, and growth because these topics are so important to human life. Hopefully you found something you can relate to and write a really inspiring piece.

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