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Write a Haiku About One of the 4 Elements and Increase the Chance of Winning $1000

The new writing challenge called Quadru-haiku on Vocal Media

By Inspiring YouTuber and GamerPublished about a year ago 5 min read
Photo by cottonbro studio on Pexels

Writing challenges on Vocal Media have become an addiction for me since I joined a few months ago. As a writer and editor, I am constantly inspired by the creative and motivating pieces written by the participants.

These creators pour their hearts and souls into their craft, and I cannot help but appreciate the beauty and depth of their work.

One of the challenges that particularly caught my attention is the haiku challenge. I did not know much about this poetry genre until I joined Medium.

However, I encountered many haikus in the submission queue while working as an editor on Illumination. These short and cleverly crafted poems not only take little time to read, but they also stimulate the mind and often contain hidden meanings.

For those who may be unfamiliar, a haiku is a traditional form of Japanese poetry consisting of 17 syllables, typically arranged in three lines of five, seven, and five syllables, respectively.

Most haikus I have read focus on nature and the changing seasons, promoting a sense of peacefulness and simplicity. I highly recommend this challenge to poets who specialize in haiku and those who have an interest in nature.

Welcome to another Vocal writing contest!

Image screenshot from Vocal Media website

This is another interesting challenge for poets.

The prompt from Vocal Media for this challenge is “Write haiku inspired by any or all of the four elements: earth, water, air, fire.”

The name of the challenge is Quadru-haiku. “Quadru- means four. The ancient Greeks believed that the four Classical Elements were the source of all things and essential to sustaining life.”

For this challenge, you may write one haiku or a set of four haiku inspired by any or all of the four elements, including earth, water, air, or fire.

Vocal informs that “judging will not give preference to either format length. Although the history that inspired the prompt is classical, creative interpretations of the elements are always encouraged.”


To qualify as a haiku, your submission must meet several requirements.

The first one is your haiku must include three lines and 17 syllables. It can also include a set of four haiku, each containing three lines and 17 syllables.

The first line of each haiku should be five syllables. The second line should be seven syllables, and the third line should be five syllables.

You must submit your haiku to the Poets community. Vocal will reject your submission if you submit it to other communities. So please be careful. When you submit, you will see this community in the setting of your submission.

The Prizes

The grand prize is, as usual, $1,000. The second place will get $250. And the 10 Runners-Up will get $25 each.

The Deadline

You need to submit your haiku by Jan 25, 2023, 3:59 PM AEDT.

I hope you can write a poem in the next eight days. Perhaps you write a line per day. I believe it requires a lot of thought and calculation.

It would be great to join this contest and increase your chance of being among the lucky 12 winners.

In addition, your content might reach out to a new audience. I wish I could write poems. But I am willing to try it one day. Many great poets contributing to Illumination inspire me to write.

I wish you good luck. If you win, please let us know so we can celebrate on Vocal and Medium. I hope you join Vocal and reap the benefits. If you are new to Vocal Media and would like to join as a member, you might use my referral. It will not cost you extra similar to Medium membership.

My Perspectives on Poetry

Writing poetry is an art form that can benefit those who practice it. Recently, I had the pleasure of speaking with a friend who not only writes poetry but also earns a living by selling poetry books. She shared with me the many advantages of writing poetry.

According to her, writing poetry can significantly improve our writing skills by honing precision and the economy of language. It also helps to develop a greater understanding of the different elements of writing, such as structure, imagery, and rhythm.

For me, poetry is a way to express my thoughts, feelings, and experiences creatively. It allows me to explore and express my emotions in a way that may not be possible through other forms of writing, such as non-fiction which is my primary genre.

My friend also shared with me that writing poetry can be therapeutic. She has worked through difficult emotions in her poems and found that it gives her a sense of release from unpleasant emotions.

In my opinion, poetry requires a lot of creativity. My friend is an expert in using metaphors and imagery to share her thoughts and feelings, and her poetry is always inspiring.

Overall, I believe that writing poetry is a valuable and enjoyable activity that can help writers to improve their skills, develop a deeper understanding of writing, and be therapeutic. I encourage everyone to give poetry writing a try and see how it can enhance their lives.

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I will continue to share my thoughts and insights on a wide range of topics in the world of entertainment and technology.

With that being said, thank you for reading my post, and have a good one.

The original version of this story was published on another platform.

About the Author

I write articles in my field covering gaming, filmmaking, media, technology, and design. You can subscribe to my account to get notifications when I post on Medium and Vocal Media. I support Illumination Integrated Publications as an editor and moderate the Slack Workspace, where you can share your Vocal Stories with thousands of members free of charge. I own and manage two publications, one for gaming and one for YouTube. You may join via my referral link if you are new to Medium. You can also join Vocal Media to share your inspiring stories. I look forward to reading your posts on both platforms.


About the Creator

Inspiring YouTuber and Gamer

I specialise in Media, Design, and Filmmaking. I support Illumination Integrated Publications on Medium as an editor and YouTube coordinator. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F9DhuGQYbpI& I also own two publications for Gaming and Podcasts.

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