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Wisdom(s) Teach

****Wisdom Teeth

By Merichel SanchezPublished 4 years ago 1 min read


Nobody talks about how much your grieving during the healing process. Letting go of the comfort zones that we've constantly clung on too. As well as saying goodbye to parts of ourselves, we've identified strongly with and we based almost our whole existence around.

Like all other emotions; we don't let grieve unpack its belongings. It's just one of those temporary visitors. Do not let them overstay their welcome.

Nervous About Change

Being nervous about change is normal.

This is a different type of nervous, not the one that formed tight knots in my chest. This one is those pigeons. They seem like they don't know what's going on because they're just wondering around. But eventually flies off to its next destination and continues wandering around.


We have to give ourselves a gentle reminder that we can not undo the past and nobody has a time machine. We shouldn't look at our past with regrets. Those experiences are the fundamental lessons of becoming a better version of ourselves. It's our own choice to create that better version of ourselves.

YOU're the CAKE

I was told to look at myself as a piece of cake. Without the icing, it is still a delicious cake and icing only adds extra sweetness. Whether it's a relationship, work or whatever material thing it is. They should be the icing and you should be the whole cake.

YOU're the whole cake.

The AHh

How others deal with their emotions is something we have no control over. The understanding that everything and everyone last forever and people belong to us. That's not true. Nothing belongs to us but ourselves. We don't have the right to claim someone forever. As much as we want to, it's not realistic.

Nobody stays the same.

By Jessica Felicio on Unsplash


About the Creator

Merichel Sanchez

Ascending and Evolving

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