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"Wild Symphony: A Melody of Nature's Untamed Grace"

"Preserving the Wilderness and Embracing its Sacred Space"

By Yousuf EhsanPublished 11 months ago 1 min read

In the heart of nature's embrace, behold,

A world untouched, where untamed stories unfold.

Where sunbeams dance on verdant ground,

And whispers of wilderness resound.

In ancient forests, where giants stand tall,

Their branches reach out, as if to enthrall.

Majestic canopies of green above,

A tapestry of life, a haven for love.

The rivers meander, their currents so pure,

Carving their paths with a gentle allure.

Their waters, a lifeline, winding and free,

Nourishing life in this grand tapestry.

From rugged mountains, their peaks piercing skies,

To valleys below, where serenity lies.

Snow-capped summits glistening in the sun,

A testament to beauty, forever spun.

In deserts vast, where the winds freely roam,

A barren expanse, yet a living home.

With resilient creatures, adapted to thrive,

In a land where survival becomes their drive.

On coasts unbounded, where oceans collide,

A symphony of waves, an eternal ride.

The salt-kissed air, a melody of bliss,

As seagulls soar, in their endless abyss.

The wild savannah, where lions do roam,

Graceful gazelles, finding safety in loam.

A harmony of creatures, big and small,

In an untamed dance, orchestrated for all.

But amidst this wilderness, let us remember,

The delicate balance, we must not dismember.

For we are custodians, guardians true,

Respecting and cherishing, all that is due.

So let us protect this precious domain,

Preserve its wonders, each treasure sustain.

For in the wilderness, we find our soul's call,

A sanctuary where humanity stands tall.

nature poetrysurreal poetryart

About the Creator

Yousuf Ehsan

Myself yousuf, a passionate writer and avid reader who finds solace and inspiration within his work. With a flair for crafting hope-filled narratives and evocative poetry, yousuf weaves words that resonate with readers' hearts

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