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Whispers of the Wind

poem that takes on a different meaning when read from bottom to top

By Yannick SimoPublished 3 months ago 1 min read
Whispers of the Wind
Photo by seth schwiet on Unsplash

The wind, it speaks in hushed tones,

Whispers secrets to the trees,

Leaves rustle, a soft symphony,

Nature's gentle, quiet pleas.

Branches sway in graceful dance,

Their language ancient, wise,

Stories woven in the breeze,

Echoes of forgotten skies.

The world below, a tranquil hush,

Embraced by evening's gentle hand,

Where shadows blend with fading light,

In this peaceful, timeless land.

Silent whispers, carried far,

Through valleys deep, and mountains tall,

A song of solitude and peace,

In nature's quiet, timeless call.

The air is filled with ancient tales,

Of love, of loss, of hope reborn,

In every rustle, every sigh,

A sacred truth, a soul's adorn.

So listen close, dear friend of mine,

To nature's secrets, pure and true,

For in the whispers of the wind,

Lies the wisdom of the chosen few.

Few the chosen, of wisdom,

The wind, it whispers,

The whispers of nature,

In the wind lies truth,

Of chosen few, the wisdom,

Whispers in the wind.

True and pure secrets,

Nature's close listen,

Sigh every rustle,

Soul's adorn, a truth,

Reborn hope, of loss, of love,

Tales ancient with filled air.

Call timeless quiet, nature's in,

Peaceful this land, timeless peaceful,

Light fading with blend shadows,

Hand gentle evening by embraced,

Hush tranquil, a below world.

Skies forgotten of echoes,

Breeze the in woven stories,

Wise ancient language their,

Dance graceful in branches.

Pleas quiet, gentle nature's,

Symphony soft a rustle leaves,

Trees the to secrets whispers,

Tones hushed in speaks it wind, the.

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