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Whispers of Resilience

A wife's battle

By Abigail WanjiruPublished 4 months ago 1 min read

In shadows of silent screams.

An unseen wife carries broken dreams.

Battles fought within the walls,

An unspoken war, her soul stops.

Her heart, a blooming garden once.

It weeps now in shadows, shrouded in darkness.

Where pain lies, behind the closed doors.

A cracked soul goes silent.

She is masked, smiling painted.

Yet bruises echo pain, beguile.

On this lonely night, drowned in her tears,

She wages a war, in darkness.

A symphony of silent pleas,

Her soft pleas kneeling.

Every mark, a story of concealed struggle,

On the canvas of her bruised life.

But in her eyes, resilience shines.

An inner strength that as the darkness deepens grows.

There lies within a burning flame.

She dreams about freedom, she breaks the chain.

A caged bird with wing clipped woes.

Yet, still dreams of skies where freedom reigns.

In power regained, she stumbles upon her voice,

Defying silence, making choice.

To shatter the chains that wrap her closely.

To seek the day after the night.

For there rises in her a phoenix.

And from the ashes she will rise to the skies.

To the fighting wife, strong and true,

May she hear healing whispers through.

She shall roam no more in shadows.

For she needs a better home.

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About the Creator

Abigail Wanjiru

Exploring the shadows of the soul through verses that bleed ink. 🖋️ | Conjuring darkness into poetry | Embracing the beauty in the obscure | #DarkVerse 🔮✨"

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