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Where does your heart belong?

By Miss CherryPublished 6 years ago 1 min read

In the hands of the man who has love for you but not in love with you,

Or the hands of the man who is willing to do,

Little things to make you smile, but not really having the time,

To fully get to know you,

The situation with the two,

The first man you know, the other man you don’t,

You will never create a bad situation for anyone, you just won't,

So it’s your heart you put on the line, knowing there’s no time,

To put your heart in the hands of another man, with the thought that he can, stomp on it even worse than before,

As if you are asking for more,

Hurt, confusion, and pain,

Your heart and where it belongs, you make it the main,

Focus you think about night and day,

Wondering if there will ever be a way,

To secure the placement of your heart,

Which leads to the question you’ve been asking yourself for so long,

Where does your heart belong?

love poems

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