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What Should Have Been...

My Angel's wings

By Heidi heather Tipton Hadley 1327 <3Published 5 years ago 1 min read

For a moment in time I freeze my reality and I can see a world where both of you live and grow every day. A dream so bittersweet my heart breaks in two. A part of me is always divided between my time and place in a world that holds you and the rest of me resides in a time where you little ones couldn't stay and live to be with me.

As the years come and go in life as they often do there are memories made and milestones accomplished in the family that is colored with pieces of sorrow and tears that will never fade away and will always remain to remind me that you couldn't stay. Deep inside my soul I feel this world will always and forever be empty without the two of you.

I think if only fate had been different we would be celebrating every gift and treasuring all the memories one's life should hold. But there are no pictures to mark our passage of time except for the ones in my heart and soul from a world that echoes with the what if and should of been that haunt my waking hours.


About the Creator

Heidi heather Tipton Hadley 1327 <3

Creativity, Art, Music, and Photography makes the years into beautiful memories, gives healing to the traumas, heart breaks, and growing pains, and provide outlets for people who can't express in words or other ways how they feel.

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