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What is life

"Embracing the Uncertainty"

By KrishPublished about a year ago 1 min read

Life is a journey, a winding road
Full of twists and turns, highs and lows
It's a dance between joy and pain
A constant ebb and flow, like the ocean's waves

It's the laughter of a child, the love of a friend
The warmth of the sun, the cool breeze at the end
It's the beauty of nature, the wonder of the stars
It's the moments that take our breath away, and leave us in awe

It's the struggles we face, the battles we fight
The lessons we learn, the growth that takes flight
It's the people we meet, the love that we make
The memories we cherish, the love that we take

It's the beauty of life, the mystery of it all
The wonder of the unknown, the call to the great unknown
It's the moments that take our breath away, and leave us in awe
It's the beauty of life, the mystery of it all

It's the small things that matter, the simple pleasures in life
The love in our hearts, the hope that we hold tight
It's the beauty of life, the mystery of it all
It's the journey of a lifetime, the adventure of it all.

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