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Voices Unheard

The Plight of the Homeless

By solitudescribePublished about a year ago 1 min read
Voices Unheard
Photo by Leroy Skalstad on Unsplash

Beneath the streets, a hidden plight,

A people lost in shadows, out of sight,

Their stories untold, their pain unseen,

A silent struggle, a broken dream.

Once they had homes, and loved ones too,

But now they're lost, with nothing to do

They wander streets, with nowhere to go,

No roof above, no bed to rest.

A life of hardship, a constant test.

And hope for a change, in this lonely place.

though they've lost, what once was theirs,

Their spirit remains, unbroken, theirs.

They're not invisible, they're not unseen,

But society chooses to look the other way,

So let's not turn away, let's not pretend,

Let's lend a hand, let's offer a smile :)

social commentarysurreal poetryheartbreakfact or fiction

About the Creator


"Hey there! I'm an engineer with a love for writing. I write stories that make you laugh, think, and feel all at once. Join me on a journey of words, wit and wisdom, and let's see where it takes us !

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