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Voices of the Heart

Nobody can give you wiser advice than yourself.

By VocalVibesPublished about a year ago 1 min read
Voices of the Heart
Photo by Nik on Unsplash

Voices of the heart, a chorus so true,

Whispering secrets, known only to you.

A melody sweet, that dances and sways,

Like the soft summer breeze, on hot summer days.

Whispers of love, that speak from within,

A gentle reminder, of where to begin.

The joy that we feel, when we open our hearts,

And let love in, where it patiently waits.

A symphony grand, of notes that are pure,

The music of love, that will forever endure.

In the depths of our souls, where it resonates deep,

A love that is constant, and ours to keep.

Voices of the heart, that speak of our dreams,

Of life's endless possibilities, and what it all means.

A song of hope, that inspires us to be,

The best we can be, for all the world to see.

So let us listen, to the voices of the heart,

And let them guide us, to a brand new start.

For when we follow, this beautiful sound,

Our hearts and souls, will forever be bound.

performance poetry

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