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Voices of Change

Voices of Change: Illuminating the Path to Equality

By Joshua AbelPublished 11 months ago 1 min read
Voices of Change
Photo by Thought Catalog on Unsplash

In the realm of injustice, where shadows dwell,
Voices rise, demanding tales to tell.
Inequality's grip, an iron hand so tight,
Calls for justice pierce the silent night.

From streets adorned with passion's flame,
A chorus forms, fueled by righteous aim.
The poet's pen becomes a sword, so keen,
Crafting verses that unravel the unseen.

Echoes of the marginalized, their stories unfold,
Unveiling truths, as powerful as they're bold.
Injustice dissected, with words that ignite,
In the chambers of minds, shining a piercing light.

A child's innocent plea, their voice so small,
Confronts the conscience, breaks down the wall.
The poet lends an ear, the heart reflects,
Awakening compassion, as humanity connects.

Words like arrows, aimed at prejudice and hate,
Challenge the norms, unmasking their weight.
Lines etched with empathy, inked in ink,
Reveal the power of words, the thoughts we think.

For poetry, the mirror to the human mind,
Reflects the world, both gentle and unkind.
Through stanzas of truth, society's guide,
We strive for change, side by side.

So let the voices ring, with fierce intent,
Till the walls of injustice begin to relent.
Through poetry's lens, a vision clear,
A world transformed, free from fear.

In this realm of reflection, where minds align,
Poetry emerges, a catalyst for a paradigm.
In pursuit of justice, as we inscribe,
The poet's words, for a world to imbibe.


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