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Unyielding Radiance

A Symphony of Self-Assurance

By SagarPublished 12 months ago 1 min read
Unyielding Radiance
Photo by Brett Jordan on Unsplash

In shadows deep, where doubts reside,

A beacon shines, its glow untied.

Confidence, a steadfast grace,

Unveils the strength within this space.

In trepidation's chilling breeze,

Its flame ignites, relentless ease.

Embracing battles yet unseen,

A symphony of self-esteem.

Like dawn's first light, it paints the skies,

Awakening dreams with resolute cries.

Through trials faced, it stands upright,

Unyielding radiance, gleaming bright.

With every step, it finds its way,

A voice that chants, "You will not sway."

From fragile bud to blossomed flower,

Confidence blooms, its roots empowered.

It banishes doubts, fear's cruel embrace,

Leads through darkness, revealing grace.

Insecurities, they scatter and flee,

Before the strength that lies in me.

Oh, confidence, an unwavering guide,

To conquer mountains, reach the tide.

With unwavering faith in our hearts,

We embark on life's daring charts.

So let us cherish this inner light,

That banishes shadows, fears take flight.

For with confidence, we find our might,

A symphony played, igniting our sight.

Unyielding radiance, fierce and bold,

A truth that's cherished, a story untold.

In every heart, let confidence rise,

Unleash its power, claim the skies.


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