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"unfortunately," i'm a girl

just a free-verse perspective.

By ChloePublished 4 months ago 1 min read
"unfortunately," i'm a girl
Photo by Milad Fakurian on Unsplash


i'm just a girl- not any-

-body else, or a


boy; i'm just a girl.

"sadly," i am a white girl,

a Christian at heart--


which means i'm not "cool."

i am not special like you.

i'm blonde, and blue, and-


i'm not anything else;

i am just a normal girl.

nothing all special.


i've noticed a sort of backhanded racism and sexism recently, on literally EVERY platform in the world.

everyone is trying so hard to include lgbtqia-etc people in their works or platforms that they're leaving out just... y'know, regular people. like me.

i don't quite like being backhandedly discriminated against. nobody wants a white girl on their platform to represent them-- no, no! it has to be a black person who identifies as bisexual.

i have nothing against anyone out of the pride community or african americans or any race in general. in fact when i was 5 i had a friend from kenya, a friend from south korea, a friend from maynmmar, and two friends from vietnam. i have been accidentally inclusive without even meaning to. and i'm white.

but why... why do we have to be left out all of a sudden? if you want to include EVERYBODY all the same, then you must include everybody, all the same, which includes people like me. people who are JUST GIRLS. heterosexual, blonde, blue-eyed girls.

i know that's hard to grasp, but maybe try and chew on it for a while.

how about we just include everyone all the same and that be that?

Prosesocial commentaryHaiku

About the Creator


she’s back.

a prodigious writer at 14, she has just completed a 100,000+ word book and is looking for publishers.

super opinionated.

writes free-verse about annoying people.

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  • Shirley Belk3 months ago

    Beautifully and aptly well-put!!!

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