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Trees and Kennings

More excerpts from my Bucolica

By Rob AngeliPublished 11 months ago 1 min read
Sketch by the author

sheepnotes and goatnotes


TREES AND KENNINGS he forgot long ago

Glasir being named the tree whose leaves are of red gold

[How shall trees be paraphrased?]

How shall man be periphrased? (ex. decl. of NAUTA)

And Passion being Wind of TrollWomen,

how is woman then paraphrased?

Woman is the willow or betimes the Forest,

giver of gold


POESIE they call Drink of the Asir

another kind of gold

appellate POETA has a seeming

feminine identity marker

masking masculinity

(or how shall the farmer

or the seafarer be periphrased?)

TREES having a masculine marker

enfold a feminine form

auto-pollinating for some in

self-sufficient gender-bending nouns

(ex. decl. of QUERCUS)

—but lo! what legend inscripted late

scored with hasty knife the hallowed beech?

[his paper-bark page]

still green as recent cutting

not yet agape the slit

of sapless hiatus

tell me Willy, you’re taller,

your legs are more longer,

tell me what it sayz...

My Bucolica is a modern reboot of the "eclogue" form originating in Classical Greece and Rome and much rehashed throughout all European literature. It usually comes in the form of a collection of shepherd's songs, dialogues, and stories featuring themes of love/desire, nature/the seasons, death/mortality, and the passing of time. It is often a playground to poeticize the animal world and humankind's relation to it, as well as particulars of the seemingly idyllic life led by simple shepherds and farmers in Arcadia. It is also referred to as bucolic literature. I wrote my Bucolica 2017-2018 in a mix of poetry and prose.

surreal poetrynature poetrylove poemsinspirationalexcerptsart

About the Creator

Rob Angeli

sunt lacrimae rerum et mentem mortalia tangunt

There are tears of things, and mortal objects touch the mind.

-Virgil Aeneid I.462

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