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The Whisper of the Wind

The wind, whispers through the trees A gentle sound that brings us ease

By Muhammad Atif Published about a year ago 1 min read
The Whisper of the Wind
Photo by seth schwiet on Unsplash

The Whisper of the Wind

The wind, whispers through the trees,

A gentle sound that brings us ease,

It rustles the leaves with a gentle touch,

A soothing sound that means so much.

It carries with it a message true,

Of hope and peace, of love anew,

It whispers secrets of the earth,

And fills our hearts with its gentle mirth.

So let us listen to the wind's sweet song,

As it carries along,

For it speaks to us of things unseen,

And fills our hearts with its gentle dream.

The wind, it whispers through the night,

A soothing sound that sets things right,

It dances through the branches and the leaves,

A gentle breeze that never leaves.

So let us listen to the wind's gentle voice,

As it whispers and rejoices,

For it carries with it a message true,

Of hope and love, for me and for you

love poemsnature poetry

About the Creator

Muhammad Atif

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