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The Unbearable Weight of Family Trauma

A Journey Through Pain and Healing

By ARJ GamingytPublished about a year ago 2 min read
 The Unbearable Weight of Family Trauma
Photo by Susan Wilkinson on Unsplash

We set out on a bear hunt,

Not knowing what lay ahead,

Through mountains high and valleys low,

We trekked on, filled with dread.

The weight of family trauma,

Was heavy on our backs,

A burden we carried with us,

On this journey of attack.

Memories of a broken home,

A childhood filled with pain,

Emotional scars we've carried,

Our whole lives a constant strain.

We push through thick and thorny brush,

Each step more difficult than the last,

The hurt we've carried for so long,

Feels like it's here to last.

The bear we search for is elusive,

Just like the peace we crave,

But we press on, determined,

To break free from the chains we've made.

The darkness threatens to consume us,

But we hold on to each other tight,

The journey is not an easy one,

But we'll make it through the night.

We come upon a river,

And we stop to catch our breath,

Reflecting on the journey thus far,

And the strength we've shown through death.

The bear we've been searching for,

Is not a physical one at all,

It's the pain we've carried with us,

That's been holding us in thrall.

We dive into the water,

And let the current carry us away,

A new beginning lies ahead,

As we let go of yesterday.

The weight of family trauma,

Has lessened with each step we've made,

We're not quite there, but we'll keep going,

Till the burden's been fully laid.

The journey has been long and hard,

But we're finally seeing light,

The future holds so much promise,

As we continue to take flight.

The bear hunt may be over,

But the healing has just begun,

We'll face our pain and conquer it,

And our lives will be reborn.

Title: The Long Road to Healing

Subtitle: A Journey Through the Wounds of Family Trauma

The road to healing is a long one,

With twists and turns aplenty,

The scars we bear from family trauma,

Can make the journey so unsteady.

The wounds run deep and never heal,

No matter how hard we try,

We push them down and hide the pain,

But it's always there, never to die.

The memories of abuse and neglect,

Haunt us day and night,

The weight of family trauma,

A burden we cannot fight.

But with each step we take forward,

We slowly start to heal,

Our scars begin to fade away,

And the pain starts to feel less real.

We learn to face our demons,

And to let go of the past,

We start to live a life we love,

And the healing comes at last.

We find strength in each other,

And the love we've always known,

We build a future without pain,

And a life we can call our own.

The road to healing is a hard one,

But we've made it through so far,

We've faced our fears and overcome,

And we'll keep shining like a star.

The journey may be never-ending,

But we'll walk it hand in hand,

With the strength of family by our side,

We'll keep moving through the land.

The long road to healing is worth it,

For the peace we find within,

And we'll


About the Creator

ARJ Gamingyt

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