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The Symphony of the Forest

Symphony of the Forest

By DevaPublished about a year ago 1 min read

The Symphony of the Forest
Photo by Manuel Nägeli on Unsplash

The symphony of the forest, a symphony of green,

A symphony of life, a symphony serene.

The rustling of the leaves, a symphony of sound,

The symphony of the forest, a symphony profound.

The chirping of the birds, a symphony of song,

The symphony of the forest, a symphony long.

The babbling of the brook, a symphony of flow,

The symphony of the forest, a symphony aglow.

The howling of the wolves, a symphony of might,

The symphony of the forest, a symphony of light.

The rustle of the bushes, a symphony of stealth,

The symphony of the forest, a symphony of health.

By Toomas Tartes on Unsplash

The symphony of the forest, a symphony of peace,

A symphony of nature, a symphony that will never cease.

The symphony of the forest, a symphony of wonder,

A symphony of life, a symphony to ponder.

The symphony of the forest, a symphony of growth,

A symphony of nature, a symphony that show.

The symphony of the forest, a symphony of diversity,

A symphony of life, a symphony of opportunity.

The symphony of the forest, an ever-changing tune,

A symphony of life, a symphony that will bloom.

A symphony of the forest, a symphony of serenity,

A symphony of nature, a symphony of majesty.

vintageslam poetryperformance poetrynature poetryheartbreakfact or fiction

About the Creator


Writing is my hobby to try new topics regarding Education, Poems, Motivation poems, and stories.

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