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The Story of 'K'

nonsense story poem

By Mark GrahamPublished about a year ago 1 min read
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Kaleb and Katie flew a kite.

Kaleb, Katie and Kathy were flying kites till Kathleen came along.

Kathleen joined in, but showed Kaleb, Katie and Kathy her kaileidoscope.

Kathy and Katie calmly glanced at the kaileidoscope closely.

Kaleb climbed a tree to get the kite that got caught in a tree.

Katie glanced to see what Kaleb was doing and told Kathleen that they should for a little while fly the kite with Kaleb.

Kathleen, Kathy, and Katie made a pact to play with Kaleb that they would play together even if we all wanted to do something else. They did notice that they seemed to let Kaleb out when Kathleen showed them the kialiedoscope.

Kaleb came over after getting the kite out of the tree and Kathleen showed him the kailiedoscope too. He glimpsed at it and took a peek at the kailiedoscope, and then Kaleb, Katie, Kathleen and Kathy saw Kimberly coming down the path with a new catcher's mitt to show off.

(For some reason writing a nonsense story poem on the letter 'K' was kind of hard to think, but with the letter 'C' does sound like a 'K' in some of the words. I hope you enjoy this little story. I will appreciate anything that anyone wants to share about this story.)

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About the Creator

Mark Graham

I am a person who really likes to read and write and to share what I learned with all my education. My page will mainly be book reviews and critiques of old and new books that I have read and will read. There will also be other bits, too.

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