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The Silent Scream

The Invisible Chains of Grief

By Sorrowful WhisperPublished 14 days ago 1 min read

In the twilight of dreams, where shadows weep,

A silent scream whispers, in silence, deep.

Unheard by the stars, unfelt by the moon,

A heart breaks slowly, beneath night's tune.

Lost in a maze of memories’ mire,

Echoes of laughter turn to whispers of fire.

The silent scream, a ghostly refrain,

Haunts the corners of a mind in pain.

Eyes wide open, yet blind to the dawn,

Chasing phantoms, with hope withdrawn.

A song unsung, a tear unwept,

In the silent scream, all secrets are kept.

The world moves on, oblivious, cold,

While the silent scream, its sorrow unfolds.

Invisible chains, a soul to bind,

In this lonely darkness, solace is hard to find.

A love forgotten, a promise betrayed,

In the silence, a thousand dreams fade.

The scream lingers, in a heart torn apart,

A silent echo, of a broken heart.

No solace in sleep, no comfort in day,

The silent scream never fades away.

In the depths of despair, it quietly screams,

Shattering the stillness, in fragments of dreams.

In this symphony of sorrow, unheard, unseen,

Lies the silent scream, a lament unseen.

A heart's quiet wail, a soul’s muffled cry,

In the silent scream, we live, and we die.

sad poetry

About the Creator

Sorrowful Whisper

Just willing to Die

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