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The Serenity of a Forest Lake: A Haven of Peace

Finding solace in the calm embrace of nature

By Nikhil ThalePublished about a year ago 1 min read
The Serenity of a Forest Lake: A Haven of Peace
Photo by Laura Chouette on Unsplash

In the depths of the forest, hidden away,

Lies a lake, tranquil and still.

Surrounded by trees, in shades of green and gray,

It's a place where the heart can be filled.

The water's surface, like a mirror so clear,

Reflects the trees and the sky above.

A gentle breeze whispers, as if to share

The secrets of this sacred grove.

Dragonflies dance in the golden light,

Their wings a blur of shimmering hue.

Fish jump and splash, such a joyful sight,

Nature's symphony, ever so true.

The silence is broken by a loon's lonely call,

Echoing across the water's glassy sheen.

And the sunlight fades, as dusk begins to fall,

And the forest lake is left to dream.

The stars come out, one by one,

And the moon casts a silver sheen.

The forest whispers, its work now done,

As the lake sleeps, peaceful and serene.

Oh, the serenity of a forest lake,

A place of quiet reflection and grace.

A true sanctuary, where one's soul can wake,

And find its own quiet space.

Amidst the towering trees so grand,

A tranquil lake lies in the land.

Its glassy surface, calm and still,

Reflects the scene with perfect skill.

The forest creatures come to drink,

Or dip their paws in the water's brink.

Birds perch upon the branches near,

And sing a song so pure and clear.

The gentle breeze ripples the lake,

Creating patterns in its wake.

The sun shines down, so warm and bright,

And bathes the lake in golden light.

The peace that reigns in this abode,

Is like a balm for the soul's load.

Away from the world's chaotic race,

This forest lake is a sacred space.

Oh, how I long to be there too,

And let its serenity renew.

To sit and watch the world go by,

And feel its tranquil lullaby.

So let us cherish nature's gift,

And keep its beauty from being rift.

For in its peace, we find our rest,

And in its arms, we feel our best.

nature poetrysurreal poetryinspirational

About the Creator

Nikhil Thale

I am a tech enthusiast and blogger with a passion for exploring the latest advancements in technology. I understand that choosing the right laptop or PC can be a daunting task, I also write poems in my free time.

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