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The Queen of Tragedy

A Tale of Love, Betrayal, and Sorrow in a Kingdom's Shadow

By XeraphyPublished 15 days ago 2 min read

In a kingdom fair, where the rivers gleam,

A commoner lived, with a heart full of dreams.

She toiled in the fields, her hands rough and worn,

But her spirit was bright, like the dawn newly born.

A king rode through one day, with a regal air,

Saw the maiden’s beauty, with her golden hair.

He took her hand, and with a royal decree,

Made her his queen, for all the realm to see.

The palace walls shone with a radiant glow,

As she donned the crown, in a ceremonial show.

But behind the splendor, a shadow did loom,

For the king’s heart held secrets, bound in gloom.

He had a concubine, hidden in the night,

Her laughter echoing, in the halls out of sight.

The queen learned of betrayal, her heart filled with pain,

In the castle’s vastness, her tears fell like rain.

Lonely she wandered, in chambers grand and cold,

Her love turned to sorrow, her dreams bought and sold.

She gazed at the king, with eyes full of plea,

But his gaze was distant, her soul couldn’t see.

Whispers of betrayal reached her ears every day,

The king’s false affection, a cruel game he’d play.

In the still of the night, her cries softly wept,

While the palace slept on, its dark secrets kept.

The concubine thrived, in her shadowy nook,

Her power grew stronger, with each knowing look.

The queen’s heart grew heavy, with sorrow and dread,

Each kiss from the king, a lie softly said.

One fateful evening, under moon’s pale light,

The king’s heart turned cold, his gaze hard as night.

In a moment of rage, he took her life away,

Leaving the kingdom in a mournful array.

The queen’s spirit lingered, in the palace forlorn,

A ghost of the love, that was shattered and torn.

In the annals of history, her tale is enshrined,

Of a commoner queen, and her fate so unkind.

Her story whispers, through the halls of the past,

A reminder of love, that was never to last.

For in the heart of power, where shadows entwine,

The light of true love, can so easily decline.


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