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The Play List

Daily mixes

By Deborah PortilloPublished 2 years ago 1 min read
The Play List
Photo by Adrian Korte on Unsplash

Feels like I always follow Dolly’s routine by tumbling out of bed and head to the kitchen in order to pour myself a cup of ambition.

I can't help that I am miss independent.

As we all know, money makes the world go round, and every day I’m hustling…hustling.

After a long day, nobody wants to clean up their own backyard.

At times I just want to throw a fit as I say, “Take this job and shove it”, while Britney whispers in my head, “Better work B*%!h.”

Like Lady Gaga, I ask you to hold my hand because I just want to know everything will be alright.

Cindy only put out that hit song informing the world, that girls just wanna have fun.

I, too, want to go out and be drunk and not wanna go home.

But I understand, nobody does it better and I better get to livin’.

Like SPM, I must be high.

But I’m starting to think like Ms. Lambert, he doesn’t love me like tequila does.

He didn’t even know what today was, it’s our anniversary.

Beyoncé tells me, “put my middle fingers up, put my hands high waving in his face, telling him, boy, bye cause I ain't thinking 'bout him.”

But instead, I sing out loud that one Big Sean song, yeah you know the one. However, Aretha said it best with R-E-S-P-E-C-T.

I refuse to cry but anger only builds waterfalls that flow murder was the case.

If only I could turn back time with Cher to remind myself nothing lasts forever.

Maybe then he wouldn’t have ever read my poker face cause that was a bad romance.

Tomorrow will be a new day, for I’ll be walking on sunshine.

Let me seek calmness, where

instead I’ll sleep to dream, ending in a silent lucidity.

performance poetry

About the Creator

Deborah Portillo

I’m just an amateur writer, expressing my hopes, dreams, and nightmares for all to read. A lot of my short stories come from nightmares, while my poems are expressed from hopes, dreams, and feelings.

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