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Role Play

By Deborah PortilloPublished 2 years ago 1 min read
Photo by Preillumination SeTh on Unsplash

A longing for intimacy, rather it be with a lover or stranger.

Intimacy that could begin with a simple hello.

A hello that would lead to a meeting beyond expectations.

A planned secret affair.

An affair between supposed strangers.

Strangers that were created.

Created to the illusion of forbidden desires.

Desires that were to arise beneath normalcy.

A normalcy, that was boring and dule.

A relationship that only led to a specific type of longing.

A longing that begins with simple gestures of affection.

Affection of soft touches with electrifying sparks which only intensify a need.

Sparks that were easily dignified by movements swayed to because of music.

While hands caress every curve while stirring arousal.

Kisses to calm the nerves.

Breath taking excitement increasing every second with every intimate act.

Sexual arousal lurking for pleasure, with the desire to satisfy lust.

Increase need to be desired, with intense heat to warm the coldness.

Exploited acts of pure blitz and cries of pure ecstasy.

A release of undoubtable satisfaction and an electrifying tension.

Calming waves to relaxation that lead to yawning outbursts.

Drooping eyelids identifying unconditional peacefulness with still breathes

Ending in a quietness that can only mean sleep.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

Deborah Portillo

I’m just an amateur writer, expressing my hopes, dreams, and nightmares for all to read. A lot of my short stories come from nightmares, while my poems are expressed from hopes, dreams, and feelings.

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