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The Man with the Mirror

By Jacob ShermanPublished 2 years ago 5 min read
The Man with the Mirror
Photo by Rishabh Dharmani on Unsplash

Heavy on his shoulders,

it rests incessantly,

pressing his feet deeper

into the soil.

Every hillcrest

he toils to reach,

every valley

which nearly swallows

him whole,

he feels the toll

of its burden

as much in his body

as in his soul.


he stalks the lands

of our world,



to every whim

of the mirror's

waxing weight,

for the greater part

of his own will

is bent, maxed out,

on the fulfillment

of his task —

simply to carry



escape him always,


is his vision,


by him are the cries,

whether forlorn

or elated,

of those he passes by.

Worn and oxidated

is its frame,

where can be seen

its evident centuries

of service,

but on its face,

not a trace,

not a modicum

of scum,

no grime

or scratches.

If and when

your sight catches

this immaculate,


preternatural thing,

you'll behold

a perfect reflection —



as the immutable


which garner

and command

even the gnarliest

depths of space,

the ultimate

Wild West.

Best you look deep

into that glass

if you happen to pass,

in your travels,

this bastard son

of revelation

and his polished,

reflective encumbrance.

Allow me to offer

an abundance

of evidence

to provide substance

to this claim

if you remain

yet unconvinced

of its importance.

Portents do appear

of great potential

in accordance

with the unspent


capability of the looker.

Shook — or

"shaken," if you

like —

and mistook

of the meaning,

many have been,

for a depiction

of the sin of idleness,

of the bridles

we have set

upon ourselves

through simple inaction,

may take

many a form.

A now dormant

volcanic calamity

once beheld itself

in his mirror

and bore


to a future

choked with smoke

and ash forever —

or, at least,

for as long

as any living

thing drew breath

enough to remember.

Seeking not

to be the ender

of all the

hopeful little


after seeing

how their desperate


from its wrath

would lead

to nothingness,

a path


the emergent,

humble mountain

did devise.

It closed

its molten eyes

and resolved

to hold them so

for as long

as it might.

For the sake

of a bright,

if fleeting,

day for all the others,

the caldera

would endure an era

of its own

private night.

Slightly sooner,

at the right turn

of the previous


a devious

little mammalian



willfully but


the seedlings

of a mighty,

solitary tree.

Faced with this

involuntary ferry

far away

from their very

exemplary progenitor

by the hairy thief —

a scary

fate indeed —

the acorns were wary

and unsure

of what to do

within the

arbitrary prairie

upon which

they were eventually



as they were,

their doom

seemed to them

all but



The man freed

himself from exertion

to rest for

just a moment,

directly adjacent

to the new

and unwanted home

of the seeds,

whose nascent


was immediately unveiled.

They were shown,

within the glass,

the deepest forest

ever known,

grown solely,

over centuries,

from their own refusal

to be denied.

And so,

though the task was massive,

they pried

their roots out from within


dug deep,

and got to work.


in its constant,

roaring current,

a fervent

and raucous river


its rapids

vowed never

to be assuaged

and actively

engaged any attempt

at bridge or dam

with nigh-instant

flooding damnation.

In so doing,

it all but forced


upon several

meagre but

burgeoning nation


if such terms

had yet been uttered.


from one another,

these young cultures

began to wither.


the man with the mirror

stumbled thither.

The river grumbled


of a bubbling, exotic,

aquatic curse,

for, right away,

it knew

it would reverse

its prior promise.

As if rehearsed,

a heartfelt,

stunning scene


inside the mirror's

eerie screen.

Yearly gatherings,

serene and wholesome,

driven wholly

by sharing, caring

and never violence.

All this

in blatant defiance

of the river's

previous perception

of mankind,

with their restrictive giants

of wood and metal

and their pathetically false



steeped in mercy,

found its way

into the river's heart,

and it parted peacefully

from the notion

that the motion

of its waters

must never be

even slightly tamed.

The very same day,

the river steeled

its nerves and yielded.

It revealed to the people

its gentlest

bends, where their efforts

ought to be spent amidst

the mist and spray,

where a dam

might stay intact

and bridges may

cross the way

with but a smidgeon

of strain.

As insane as it seemed,

the stream remained


and no longer resented

the people,

whose faces had gone

from hungry to happy —

joy erases,

or at least helps

to cover up

the scars of struggle.


at the center

of the festivities

and trade,

despite its past proclivities,

the river made

a happy, new nativity,

all from just

a drop of passivity

into its primal waters.

Daughters and sons

of curiosity!

For posterity's sake,

and in case

these excerpts of precocity

have not reduced

the velocity

of your skepticism,

I have one more


though it is incomplete.

Ample are my faults,

and I know not

precisely what I'll do,

but I gazed, amazed,

into that mirror,

was told this tale,

and knew I must share it

with you.

excerptsfact or fictionsurreal poetryinspirational

About the Creator

Jacob Sherman

The desire to read, and perhaps to write, should be cultivated and nurtured with care throughout every stage of life. For my part I will inject what strangeness and truth that I can into our written history. Expect no constants but honesty.

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

Top insights

  1. On-point and relevant

    Writing reflected the title & theme

  2. Easy to read and follow

    Well-structured & engaging content

  3. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  1. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  2. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  3. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

  4. Compelling and original writing

    Creative use of language & vocab

  5. Masterful proofreading

    Zero grammar & spelling mistakes

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