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The Magnificent Tree

Old War tale

By Matthew PrimousPublished 3 years ago 1 min read
The Magnificent Tree
Photo by Karim MANJRA on Unsplash

It was a time like no other, where food was scarce for every creature in Africa. Everyone questioned everyone, and creature alike distrust creature. There was a magnificent tree in the land that stood the test of time, home of the birds and bees. They both threaten each other and quarrel grew mostly in Springtime. The birds did not wanna share with the bees and dislike their ways. The bees felt the birds were controlling and someday may feast on them.The tree flourished and their quarrel became impossible. One day the bees dance around the tree's nectars and they declare the tree theirs. The birds caught off by surprise, tried to suppress them. Every morning the birds would sing to disturb the bees' humming. The birds and the bees both covered every flower they could marking them as territory. In unison to themselves both of them said, The tree is too big and great and magnificent.We have to feed our families. Life is too short to fear and what is an enemy, we aren't afraid we will endure them. And as it went on so long that some birds tried to make peace as well as some bees, these creatures band together creating a secret bond. And they rule together restoring order.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Matthew Primous

I am a Black Scholar, International Scholar, & Google Scholar, & 3-Time Eber & Wein Best Poet., Nominee for Poet of the Year, 2020 Black Author Matters Winner, 2 time Akademia Excellence Essayists,& 2022 Honorary Muckrack Journalist.

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