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The Invisible Lad


By James GreenPublished about a year ago 1 min read

A lad lay flat, who once was hale,

But now was lost, in ghostly pale.

He rose, with eyes all dazed and dim,

And rubbed his head, with feeble limb.

He looked around, with puzzled frown,

And then he felt, that he'd come down,

To strange new world, where all was strange,

And no one saw, his form or range.

He tried to call, but voice was lost,

And all his steps, were at a cost,

For all was still, and all was mute,

And he was lost, in ghostly suit.

He wandered on, through streets so bare,

And people passed, without a care,

And he was but, a fleeting breeze,

That none could see, or hear or seize.

And then he thought, of how to break,

This curse so sad, this endless ache,

And as he pondered, with a sigh,

A voice came near, and caught his eye.

It whispered low, in tones so meek,

"The way to end, your endless seek,

Is through the heart, and through the mind,

And what you seek, you'll surely find."

And so he sought, within himself,

And found the key, to break this spell,

And when he woke, he was himself,

No longer lost, in ghostly stealth.

And as he walked, in streets so bright,

He felt the sun, and saw the light,

And all around, could hear and see,

And he was whole, as he could be.

surreal poetry

About the Creator

James Green

Weaving words into captivating worlds, this author's storytelling will transport you to realms of imagination and leave you breathless.

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