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The Impact of Spiritual Gifts on Individuals and How They Can be Affected

Spiritual Gifts

By devayan palPublished 10 months ago 1 min read
The Impact of Spiritual Gifts on Individuals and How They Can be Affected
Photo by Lina Trochez on Unsplash

A gentle breeze whispers through the trees,

Caressing souls touched by mysteries.

For those with a spiritual gift,

The world holds secrets, their spirits uplift.

In quiet moments, they sense the unseen,

The ethereal realms where dreams convene.

They feel the energy, the cosmic flow,

Guiding them on a journey they must follow.

Nature's beauty holds a sacred sway,

Enchanting them in its mystical display

The rustling leaves, the sun's warm embrace,

Stirring their spirits, revealing grace.

The stars above, a celestial choir,

Ignite their spirits with celestial fire.

They glimpse beyond this earthly realm,

Where divine messages overwhelm.

Their dreams are windows to another plane,

Unveiling truths that others cannot attain.

Guided by intuition's guiding light,

They navigate life with insight so bright.

Though burdened by the weight of what they know,

Their gifts empower them to help others grow.

With open hearts and hands held tight,

They share their wisdom, bringing inner light.

So cherish those with a spiritual gift so rare,

For they are guardians of truth beyond compare.

Their presence in our lives is a blessed treasure,

Guiding us towards our own spiritual measure.


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