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Wistful echoes of cherished times

By Lily HunterPublished 12 months ago 1 min read
Photo by Robert Collins on Unsplash

Those were the days, the good old days,

When life was simple in so many ways.

No worries of tomorrow, no burdens to bear,

Just pure innocence and laughter to share.

We played in streets, beneath the sun,

Imagining adventures, our spirits as one.

With scraped knees and dirty hands,

We built castles in shifting sands.

Friendships forged, forever true,

In moments shared, both old and new.

We climbed trees, reaching for the sky,

Dreaming dreams that would never die.

The scent of summer filled the air,

As we ran through meadows without a care.

We splashed in rivers, cool and clear,

Embracing life, devoid of fear.

But time moves on, as it always will,

And the days of old begin to still.

Responsibilities take their hold,

Leaving behind the innocence of old.

Yet, in our hearts, those memories live,

The joy, the laughter, and the love we give.

For though the years may come and go,

The good old days forever glow.

fact or fictionvintage

About the Creator

Lily Hunter

I am a writer, a weaver of tales, and a poet who embraces the extraordinary power of words. In the depths of my being, I know that writing fiction, humor and poetry is an integral part of my identity.

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