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the funny thing about LIFE

A Poem Written For ALL Of Us

By Richie AKA Uni-VersePublished 3 years ago 3 min read

the funny thing about LIFE.

ain't it funny how life GOES?

I mean, not like a HA-HA as with a joke to get a LAUGH,

cuz often life is filled with WOES.

where the SAD, BAD and MAD, always outnumber the GLAD

no matter how well you do the MATH.

but rather, an AH-HA when you look BACK, because-

you can do that any time, should you ever fall off TRACK...

and that- is the funny thing about life.

those dark yesterdays make the dark tomorrows so EASY.

cuz if there's no LIGHT, we could then look back-

when life was so carefree, BREEZY and BRIGHT

but then it turned so cold, dim and UNEASY...

those dark DAYS taught us 100 WAYS-

to create a spark... one that would manifest itself into LIGHT,

courtesy of yours truly- HINDSIGHT

and yet another AH-HA moment, in this funny thing we call life.

days PASSED were... kinda like SCHOOL.

whether you studied hard, or were just too COOL.

be it the CLASS of social studies, or social STATUS

we either got straight A's, or just allowed knowledge to PASS US.

ironically, "PASS" is what some of us didn't, while others DID.

were you the good student, or were you the cool KID?

did we flunk or maybe FAIL? did we PASS, perhaps... PREVAIL?

well... either way, CLASS was in SESSION- and we learned a very, very hard LESSON!

some had "all" the answers and others were just GUESSING- see, life is a TEST!

i mean, let's FESS- we tried our BEST... but "all" the answers?

come on now... some?... you probably GUESSED (guilty!) so let's-

CONFESS- the school of life wasn't always NICE.

but questions then, have become answers NOW!

hardship's like a homework assignment, that you might have done TWICE.

and either you graduated, or you still don't know HOW.

so, let's agree... it wasn't always "recess", when it comes to life.

but has life always been so difficult? and does it HAVE TO BE?

well, I TESTIFY, that life, ACTUALLY, doesn't HAVE TO BE a TRAGEDY.

if fact, it can be sooo WONDERFUL... how? well, thanks for ASKING ME!

take a seed. give it sun, moon, weeks, HOURS, heat and SHOWERS-

and in time, it becomes a FLOWER... bright and COLORFUL!

this is what life CAN BE, if we choose to be the SEEDS-

that are willing to focus, not on the wants; but rather, the NEEDS,

nurturing the SOIL from which it FEEDS... and though TURMOIL is PROBABLE,

so are the SPOILS, because perseverance makes it POSSIBLE.

from SEED to SPROUT, the need to stretch our way OUT-

to the sky, from the GROUND and like that of a CROWN,

our pedals BLOSSOM, atop the stem, from the roots and the

SOLIDARITY it FOUND... life can be AWESOME! now, for CLARITY-

the weather gets bad sometimes... but let it not be your DOOM.

DESPITE the storms and amidst the GLOOM, become BRIGHT

and never cease to BLOOM... in the garden that we know as life.

and so, there's one more message that i would like to SEND:

as this poem that i share with you, reaches closer to its' END-

with all the HA-HA's and AH-HA's, take careful heed, my FRIEND

cherish this comical thing called life and value the time that you SPEND.

get used to ALL the FALLS, cuz them be's the BREAKS-

but never be too afraid, that you wouldn't raise the STAKES.

pick yourself back up AGAIN... we're all gonna make MISTAKES.

just take a breath, then try and try... no matter how many times it TAKES!

may your bright days be doubled and your dark days cut in HALF.

when you were too COOL for SCHOOL? look back on those days and LAUGH!

sure, we'll always be outnumbered; but my advice- defy the MATH-

take a short cut or the scenic route! just be sure to choose a PATH.

if something's broke- then fix it, to the best that it could BE.

to look back upon our days before, is our best ABILITY!

for it reminds us that we've come so far, to reaching our DESTINY-

and it helps us to remember, just how funny LIFE CAN BE :)

...Richie Said That!


About the Creator

Richie AKA Uni-Verse

I am an Artist, Poet and Live Performer. I work with and promote local talents such as Musicians, Bands, fellow Poets and Artists. I've co-written songs with local Singers. I also organize and host public events to display their crafts.

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