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The End Time

"The Poet of Apocalyptic Visions and Illuminated Truths"

By Aanuoluwa Published 3 months ago 2 min read

In the vast realm of End Time's domain,
Where shadows gather and hope wanes,
A poet emerges, words aflame,
To capture the essence of this arcane.

With pen in hand, and heart alight,
He delves into the depths of night,
Exploring realms of what awaits,
When time recedes and darkness dates.

He weaves his verses, rich and deep,
Portraying visions that make souls weep,
Of cosmic shifts and final breaths,
Where life meets death in cosmic wreaths.

Through his words, he paints the scene,
Of a world in turmoil, no longer serene,
Apocalyptic landscapes come to life,
With strife and chaos each line rife.

He speaks of prophecies yet untold,
Of ancient tales and secrets old,
Unveiling truths disguised as rhymes,
Within his verses, wisdom shines.

With cautionary tales and stark warning,
He provokes introspection and deep mourning,
For the fleeting nature of our days,
The delicate balance that decays.

Yet amidst the darkness, he finds a glimmer,
A spark of hope that will not simmer,
For in the End Time's gripping hold,
In the ashes, a new story to unfold.

In the poet's words, we find solace and fear,
A reminder that the end is near,
And in the face of impending doom,
We search for beauty to consume.

So, dear reader, heed this poet's call,
Embrace the End Time's eerie thrall,
Through his verses, contemplate and see,
The truth of what your soul may be.
From the ashes of fallen empires and shattered dreams,
A phoenix of resilience and strength rises, it seems.
For in the midst of chaos and the unraveling of fate,
Hope flickers like a steadfast flame, refusing to abate.

Through six hundred lines, I'll traverse bygone realms,
Where echoes of forgotten civilizations overwhelm.
Lost cities and ancient ruins, encrusted by the sands of time,
Their secrets and mysteries, whispered in each rhyme.

But beyond the desolation, a spark of unity shall ignite,
A chorus of voices proclaiming solidarity and resolute might.
For in the face of darkness, bonds of kinship shall grow,
The strength of compassion, a beacon that will show.

In the tapestry of these verses, I'll craft tales of love and despair,
Of souls navigating the labyrinthine paths of farewell and repair.
From heartfelt goodbyes to steadfast bonds unbroken,
Through tribulations and triumphs, their stories will be spoken.

And as the End Time draws ever nearer, my pen shall strive,
To capture the essence of humanity in this dance of survival and strive.
For in the face of oblivion, the human spirit finds its power,
To rise above the chaos, to cherish each fleeting hour.

So journey alongside me, dear reader, and explore,
The realms of imagination where End Time's tempest will pour.
With every word penned, a universe will unravel,
Where light meets dark, and souls endeavor to travel.

In these six hundred lines, a testament shall be told,
Of the grit and tenacity, of stories yet to unfold.
For amidst the ashes, hope shall forever persist,
Within the depths of our beings, where resilience truly exists.

surreal poetryinspirational

About the Creator


An upcoming thriller writer with a background in clinical psychology

Reader insights


Excellent work. Looking forward to reading more!

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  1. Excellent storytelling

    Original narrative & well developed characters

  2. Expert insights and opinions

    Arguments were carefully researched and presented

  3. Eye opening

    Niche topic & fresh perspectives

  1. Heartfelt and relatable

    The story invoked strong personal emotions

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  • david attila3 months ago

    To be honest, I generally don’t like to read, but your content keeps me wanting for more . Nice work 👏

  • Annetta Brown3 months ago

    It is rare I come across like-minded people like yourself- I too know the end is drawing near however I choose to be grateful and do what I can for the time that I have.

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