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The Elephant & the Donkey

A Tribal Tale

By Matthew PrimousPublished 3 years ago 1 min read
The Elephant & the Donkey
Photo by Vivek Kumar on Unsplash

Long ago in the empires of the East

There were two tribes abounding

and they never sought restitution

One tribe was of the Elephant

while the other tribe was of the Donkey

The Elephant tribe exclaimed

the elephant is more important

its stronger, it travels far and

is the center of attraction

The Donkey tribe proclaimed

the donkey is meek though

stubborn in battle and

refuse to back down

These tribes argued

days and days without a truce

Until an unknown tribe threatened

both of them saying, we don't

care for the elephant or the donkey

Your land will become our land

And your people will serve our people.

So the two tribe, the tribe of the elephant

and the tribe of the donkey fought within

themselves to survive and they were

overwhelmed with ideas and manuveurs

Their chiefs both thought to themselves

and to their commanders at the same time

they said, if we share the land and give

rational portion to our people then

we will survive together. Let us forge

a truce. Whoever has the best plan

can lead in turmoil and whoever has the will

of both tribes can devise a plan

After consulting their tribal warriors

they sought the messengers and when

all of the messengers met on truce ground,

they agree to just keep their message

knowing the message and pleased with it

shaking hands and told their chief and tribe

When the unknown tribe amassed an army,

The elephant tribe begin the fight distracting

the unknown army while the donkey tribe

charged like a calvary down the hills

behind the unknown tribe. Clashing

the unknown army and utterly wiping

them out and the two tribes, the tribe

of the elephant and the tribe of the donkey

went to their separate lands having a viligant friendship

and alliance for the good of their people.

nature poetry

About the Creator

Matthew Primous

I am a Black Scholar, International Scholar, & Google Scholar, & 3-Time Eber & Wein Best Poet., Nominee for Poet of the Year, 2020 Black Author Matters Winner, 2 time Akademia Excellence Essayists,& 2022 Honorary Muckrack Journalist.

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