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the difference between hermit crab and caterpillar growth

yet how a chrysalis and a shell are the same things

By AshPublished 3 years ago 2 min read
the difference between hermit crab and caterpillar growth
Photo by Joshua J. Cotten on Unsplash

The difference between hermit crab growth and caterpillar growth is that you will only grow through a caterpillar growth once but you will keep changing shells.

hermit crabs never stay in the same shell their whole lives, they change shells every time it gets too small for them, discarding it to the next crab in line; changing it in for a roomier one once the time comes.

similar to how one persons prison could be anothers comfort zone.

similar to how I will continously have to grow out of my own skin mulitple times in a life time.

once you leave the shell you'll never be able to return to it, someone else is already inhabiting it.

similar to how you will never want to return to those old skins, old homes, old beliefs, because they will never feel like home again.

what about the caterpillar that forms its own mix of a prison and a comfort zone only to go through a whole massive transitional period in which they switch body forms, uncomfortably sitting in old decaying skin while the new one grows in simultaneously.

barely any room to breathe, you're stuck in a tight embrace with yourself nurturing your growth yet at the same time you sit there wondering how long is this gonna take to get this process over with.

does the capterpillar ask who am I, who are you, who are we?

does it worry about transforming into a moth instead of a butterfly?

does it worry or care if it transforms into a moth if they thought they were a butterfly?

I'd want to be a butterfly but some of us might be moths instead.

which bears the question do you search for sweetness in life or are you searching for light?

is the caterpillar from alice in wonderland a role model?

this whole process, these questions are all comparable to how I am in a tight embrace tightly with who I was, who I am, and who I am becoming.

the butterfly only stays long enough with its empty chrysalis until its wings are completely dry before it takes off. Never once thinking about its life as a caterpillar again, only feeling this new found freedom.

comparable to how I would pull the divine out of me or how the divine would pull me out of her,

comparable to how I have to tell myself look behind me only to see how far I've come, then look forward again to keep moving; no matter how much we look back it will always just play the same movie.

The chrysalis will always stay empty and we will never so much as even see our dead carcass of who we once were.

the differnce between a hermit crab and a caterpillar is actually the very same reason they are quite similar.

comparable to how I will always exist as myself in different forms.

performance poetry

About the Creator


Hello there! I'm ashl I love writing poetry, the main source to express the inside onto the outside, or essays as a conversation between you and me in order to hear myself better at times.

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