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The Cosmic Seed

Align to the stars and the heart will be steered into safety

By TestPublished 2 years ago 1 min read
The Cosmic Seed
Photo by Benjamin Davies on Unsplash

You cannot fit in if you do not stand out

Your illusory persona projects uncertainty and doubt

Remove the layers and do what is needed

To truly act in line with the birth star that seeded

A gift of love, that is authentic and true

Believes the goodness in all and in you

Putting up barriers between you and another

Will only deny the potential of a brother

There is no separation, it is you and all

You forgot all this, long ago with the fall

First, Adam and Eve started to descend

Then Heaven was closed and it felt like the end

Though it was really the beginning of discovering

The secrets of the universe, the innocence of wondering

Little mystery there is now in the world that knows

But the chaos and suffering continues even though

Makes you wonder what is to know or what is worth knowing

The world keeps offering you a platter of seeds for sowing

The seeds thats will grow into the tree of life

Is choosing the seed which unites rather than divide

It is the action which will benefit the heart of your fellow man

Opening up the centre of wise love without any plan

The moment is now to live as a true being

Forget about what is fair, bargaining or disagreeing

Do what is right and be guided with the heart

To know what is true, it is the soul's navigational chart


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