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The Burden of Remorse

Shackled by the Weight of Our Own Mistakes

By Angelina w. (Poet)Published about a year ago â€ĸ 1 min read

The Burden of Remorse

The burden of remorse, it shackles so tight,

Shackled by the weight of our own mistakes,

The choices made, the roads not taken with might,

Are now but whispers, of what could have been fate.

The laughter, joys, the moments so fleeting,

The chances missed, the love that could have been,

The laughter, tears, the joys so deceiving,

Are now but fragments, of a life that's thin.

But though the weight of remorse may bring us down,

We must not dwell on what's already past,

For every choice we make, will shape our fate,

And every step we take, will lead us to our fate.

So let us rise, above the weight of remorse,

And embrace the future, with open hearts and no remorse.

sad poetry

About the Creator

Angelina w. (Poet)

Poet, wordsmith, and dreamer. Crafting verses that delve into the human experience, exploring love, loss, and the beauty of life.

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