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The Broken Wings

A poem about overcoming domestic violence

By Tameka StrongPublished about a year ago 1 min read
The Broken Wings
Photo by Sinitta Leunen on Unsplash

I used to have wings, wings that could fly

Wings that could soar, wings that could touch the sky

I used to have wings, wings that were free

Wings that were mine, wings that were me

But then you came along, and clipped my wings

You took away my freedom, and everything

You made me feel small, and worthless, and weak

You made me feel scared, and hopeless, and bleak

You hurt me with words, and fists, and knives

You hurt me with lies, and threats, and bribes

You hurt me with silence, and neglect, and blame

You hurt me with love, and hate, and shame

But then I found my wings, wings that could heal

Wings that could mend, wings that could feel

I found my wings, wings that were strong

Wings that were brave, wings that belonged

I broke free from you, and your chains

I broke free from your pain, and your games

I broke free from your control, and your power

I broke free from your hell, and your tower

I have my wings back, wings that can fly

Wings that can soar, wings that can touch the sky

I have my wings back, wings that are free

Wings that are mine, wings that are me


About the Creator

Tameka Strong

I love the power of words. I love how they can make people feel, how they can transport you to another world, and how they can change perspectives on things. I hope that my writing can make a difference in the world.

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