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The Blue Heart's Beauty

Embracing Uniqueness and Finding Hope

By SuwanaboomjaPublished about a year ago 1 min read

In a land far away, where the skies were blue,

Lived a little heart, of a different hue.

It wasn't red, like all hearts should be,

Instead, it was blue, as far as eyes could see.

This little heart was a curious thing,

For it beat in ways that made it sing.

It sang of love, and of things untold,

Of dreams and hopes, and of stories bold.

But in this land, where all was the same,

The little blue heart felt a sense of shame.

For why was it blue, when all else was red?

Why did it beat differently, instead?

And so it tried to change, to fit in with the rest,

To beat like a red heart, and be like the best.

But try as it might, it could not change its beat,

For its blue color, made it unique and sweet.

And so it learned, to embrace its difference,

To sing its own song, with pride and reverence.

For in its blue color, it found a beauty so rare,

That touched the hearts of all who would care.

And so the little blue heart, became a symbol of hope,

A reminder that being different, can help us all cope.

For in our uniqueness, lies a beauty so true,

That touches the hearts, of me and of you.

surreal poetrylove poemsinspirational

About the Creator


Hi, I'm Suwa, and I'm a writing enthusiast and blogger. I am passionate about writing poems that can stir strong emotions and motivate my readers to perceive the world from a fresh perspective.

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