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The Age of Plastics

You know this.!

By Article PinsPublished 11 months ago β€’ 1 min read
The Age of Plastics
Photo by Nick Fewings on Unsplash

In ages past, the Earth was pure,

Her landscapes pristine, her waters sure,

But man's progress forged a path unclear,

A destiny entwined with plastic veneer.


Born from marvels, a synthetic birth,

Plastics emerged upon the Earth,

A boon to science, a gift to all,

Yet darkness lurked within their thrall.


Single-use wonders, a convenience grand,

But discarded thoughtlessly on every strand,

They wandered free, these polymers bright,

Unknowing of the everlasting blight.


Oceans wept, their currents sighed,

As plastic islands formed with the tide,

Turtles weaved through plastic seas,

Their ancient homes now torn with ease.


Mountains of waste, an eternal heap,

Grew tall and wide, a scar so deep,

The creatures of land, air, and sea,

Bound by chains of manmade debris.


But in this tale of sorrow and despair,

Hope arose from hearts aware,

A call for change, a global voice,

To make a difference, to make a choice.


Innovations sparked, solutions found,

To mend the wounds and heal the ground,

Recycling, reusing, a cleaner creed,

To protect the Earth in her hour of need.

inspirationalnature poetryfact or fiction

About the Creator

Article Pins

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